❀ chapter fifteen ❀

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👩 Toni Topaz 👩

It's a cool, breezy day. Perfect for a small ride to the Wyrm.

I pull into the Whyte Wyrm on my motorcycle with Cheryl hugging my waist from behind.

"Come on, babe" I say to her as her hand wraps around mine.

Life's been a bit different since Jones took Joaquin with him and skipped town a few years back. We all know why - because something happened with Betty and he just needed time away from Riverdale.

He told us not to worry too much about it and that he would be back soon - but he hasn't set foot back in town for 5 years.

While he's gone, Cheryl and I are the acting Serpent Queens. He asked us to watch over the Serpents and monitor any violent activity in Riverdale since he wouldn't be here to do it by himself.

The last time I heard from them was Joaquin's message just over a month ago, saying that Betty came to work at their publishing company. 

As Cheryl and I enter the Wyrm, the familiar smell of pine wood and alcohol clings to my jacket.

The bar is it's usual, bustling self. Middle-aged men getting drunk and people having pool matches is something we see around her on a day-to-day basis.

I hear a ping from my phone, so I pull it out of my pocket and turn it on.


J - Toni, I need you to gather the Serpents for a meeting. Now.

T - Hello to you too, Jones 🙄 What's up?

J - You seriously haven't been monitoring the news? FP is
      out of jail! We can't just do nothing Toni 🙄

Someone's a bit moody, I think to myself as I send a reply.

T - Well, he hasn't done anything for us to 
go after him yet. What's with the urgency?

As much as I would love to jump FP Jones for the stunt he pulled 5 years ago, we can't go after him unless he's done something worth going after him for. 

J - He took Betty. Happy? 

T - Oh. Gathering them now.

J - Finally 🙄 On my way with Joaquin and Kevin.
      Should be about 5 mins tops.


That bastard FP, I growl inwardly. 

I feel a hand on my arm, so I turn around to see Cheryl standing behind me wearing a worried expression.

"Babe? What's wrong?" She asks cautiously.

"I-i'll be back in a minute" I say to her, patting her arm and walking towards the stage in the middle of the bar.

I step up on the stage and grab the microphone, only to find that it's not plugged in. I search the crowd, looking for Sweet Pea to plug it back in, when I realize it's a waste of time. He's probably hooking up with a different girl in the bathroom, I think while rolling my eyes.

I take a deep breath, gathering all the air that my lungs can hold.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

till we meet again ││ bughead ❀Where stories live. Discover now