❀ chapter nine ❀

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👑 Jughead Jones 👑


I pace back and forth while tugging at my hair, a habit I developed over the years. My Juliet sleeps peacefully in bed wearing my 'S' shirt. I didn't want to dress her because I know she'll be uncomfortable with me seeing her like that but I didn't want her to sleep in that dress.

That dress....  I shake my head. There are more important things that need to be dealt with right now. Like who the fuck messaged Joaquin this morning.

"Any ideas on who this could be, Boss?" He asks.
"Not a clue".
"Maybe it's Malachai and his Ghoulies trying to play with us?" He suggests.
"Hmm, maybe", I say, "But last time they attacked, we blew off all their defenses, so I'm pretty sure they would be more focused on regrouping than coming after us".

Joaquin simply nods. "That's why you're the Serpent King and not me" He chuckles.

I check my watch. 7:45, it reads. I look over at Betty, who is still sound asleep. It would be rude if you just left her here alone, a voice in my head says.

"Joaquin, I need you to be a stand in for me at work today". He looks up at me and pouts before his eyes shift to the person lying in bed. He raises his eyebrows.

"Why are you staying home, Boss?", he asks with a smirk. I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to spend the day with Betty".

💗 Betty Cooper 💗

Not again.

I stare blankly at the blade in my hand, a strange maroon color painting parts of it. Blood. 

I look down at my arms. There is no trace of the old scars that used to mark my arms. Do it, a voice sneers. I look back up and notice my surroundings. My heart pounds against my chest. It's my bathroom back at home, and I can't breathe.

I walk up to the mirror and see my reflection, only she has a devilish smile plastered on her face. She has a blade in her hand as well, but SHE is the one who moves her hand as mine follows. Then it hits me. I'M the reflection. 

I try to scream but no words come out of my mouth. My mouth doesn't even move. She lifts the blade and holds it to her neck, and I can feel the cool, smooth metal. I can't even breathe fully without the blade digging into my neck, so I stay still.

Don't do this, I say in my mind hoping she can hear me. She does. You're doing this to yourself, Betty. 

"Betty?" I hear an angelic voice call out. No, I think. I look around, only my eyes moving until I look back into the mirror and gasp. It's Jughead.

My duplicate lies lifeless behind him, her throat slit. Tears in my eyes, I look up at Jughead who now has the blade smeared with blood against his neck. 

"Betty, wake up!" Jughead yells, shaking me gently.

I hear his voice and slowly open my eyes, the sight of him with a blade pressed to his neck now permanently imprinted in my brain. Just a dream, I sigh inwardly. 

He breathes a sigh of relief. "What happened?" he presses, not giving me enough time to breathe. 

"Just a bad dream" I huff. He raises an eyebrow but doesn't question me further. 

till we meet again ││ bughead ❀Where stories live. Discover now