❀ chapter sixteen ❀

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👑 Jughead Jones 👑

"Hurry up!"

"I'm going as fast as I can, Boss!" Sweet Pea yells back. 

I slam my hands on the wall next to me in pure frustration.

My phone is hooked up to Sweet Pea's computer so that we are able to trace the location of the call.

A few days ago 

J - Betty!

I can hear her sobbing quietly on the other end of the line.

J - Betty? Turn on your camera so I can see you!

The camera turns on, and in front of me sits a beaten and bruised Betty. My eyes fall on the blood staining her cheek where she was obviously cut.

B - Jug! Whatever you do, d-don't come after me!

Present Day 

"I can't promise that, Juliet" I whisper, defeated. 

I turn and walk out into the bar where Toni is assigning weapons to people.

I tap her lightly on the shoulder and she turns around.

"What's up, Jones?" She asks me.

"Sweet Pea can hack into their surveillance system, but I know FP", I say quietly in case other people try to eavesdrop, "He will have bombs waiting for us. I was wondering if there was anybody here with speed and stealth that would be willing to defuse those bombs before we go in".

As if on cue, Cheryl skips up to us.

"If you don't already know, I have both speed and stealth" She boasts confidently.

I raise my eyebrows at Toni, who nods back.

"She kills people with a bow and arrow - tell me she isn't the one for the job" Toni tells me.

I turn and stare at Cheryl, who stares me down with a fierce look of determination in her eyes.

"Are you up for a challenge, Cheryl?" I ask her. Her laughter rings in my ears.

"Cheryl Blossom is ALWAYS up for a challenge".

I smile at her, but frown as I hear a loud fuss coming from the front of the bar. Tables are being knocked over and Serpents are stumbling back in surprise.

I walk over to investigate, and before me stands the last two people I would expect to see in this bar.

"Archie? Veronica?" I say in disbelief.

Someone has tied their hands behind their backs with rope. I raise an eyebrow. 

"Which one of you dumb-asses did this?" I demand furiously. 

Almost immediately, the crowd shifts and a teenage boy stands in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"Why does it matter to you?" He sneers.

Ohhhh, he's asking for it. I tense and roll up my sleeves. He chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"What are you gonna do, Grandpa? Give me a spanking?" He continues mockingly.

A panicked glance runs around the room. So he's a newbie.

till we meet again ││ bughead ❀Where stories live. Discover now