❀ chapter eight ❀

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💗 Betty Cooper 💗

Should I tell him about Charles?

He looks at me expectantly, but underneath the facade I can see one true emotion in his face.


I smile to myself for a bit, forgetting my surroundings and the person in front of me, before I slip back into the present to an exquisite living room and a frustrated Jughead.

"Charles is my therapist" I say, defeated.

"Oh, I didn't know it was routine for therapists to say 'I love you' through text", he comments sarcastically.

What? I think. Then my eyes travel to a small object he's holding in his hand. My phone. 

I try not to get mad, but fury instinctively washes over me, instant and bitter.

"YOU WENT THROUGH MY PHONE?!" I scream, outraged.

He looks taken aback, but quickly changes his facial expression so I can't see what he's thinking.

"Is he your boyfriend?", he asks calmly.  Is he serious? He JUST asked me to be his girlfriend, for goodness sake.

I meet his gaze, completely lost when I see the mix of hurt and confusion playing in his green eyes. Take a deep breath, Betty, I tell myself, Screaming will only make things worse.

"Charles is also my half-brother", I explain, "When I found out you had left Riverdale for good, I spiraled. I fell into depression and I...". 

The memory is still fresh in my mind, the pain seeping through the memories into right now. 

I unfold my arms, not even remembering how they ended up that way, and show him the scars that are criss-crossed up and down my arms.

He just stares at them, speechless, so I continue my explanation.

"He just helped me get back into a good place, s'all" I say, finishing off my sentence.

"B-betty", he said, "I am so, so sorry for leaving you. I..." he trails off, tears in his eyes.

Uh oh, he's about to cry.

I tilt his chin up, forcing him to look at me.

"Is it just me or is my gangster boy about to cry?" I joke. He laughs lightly, a few tears coming out of his eyes.

"Oh, so I'm YOUR gangster boy now?" He asks, a smirk slowly forming on his face despite the tears. God, he's hot. 

Then he stops laughing, and an expression that confuses me takes over his face.

"Look, Betty", he says, "I know we just started dating, and it might be too soon for you, but I love you". I stare at him. He what?

"I fell in love with you a while ago, only I was too stubborn to admit it", he says with a laugh. 

I don't even have to think for a second before saying it.

"I love you too".

🐍 Joaquin DeSantos 🐍

A message ping wakes me up.

'Unknown Number' flashes on my screen when I turn my phone on. Stupid unknown numbers, I think to myself.


? - Hello, Joaquin.

J - Who the hell are you?

? - Your worst nightmare. Tell your little friend Jonesy
      that I'm coming for him and his little princess.

J - What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

? - Find out yourself.


A chill runs down my spine. He doesn't sound like he's joking around. I should tell Jughead, just in case.

I tip toe down the stairs and enter the living room to see a sleeping Betty on a satisfied Jughead. Jughead just sits there, twisting her hair around his fingers gently. 

"Boss" I whisper. He looks up at me, a calm look on his face. Not for long, I groan. I throw my phone on the couch beside him.

"We have a problem".


We do have a problem doe 😳
Awww Jughead was about to cry 😿 Lucky Betty saved him from crying lmao 
I have gotten a request to make my chapters longer ! But uhhhhhh not sure how long I can write for without getting hand cramps or writers block so we'll see :)
Also yay we reached over 100 views overnight ! Thanks to all you og readers 🙌
See you guys in the next chapter :D


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