Chapter 4: Searching for a Solution

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Everyday after that call Keira fought the urge to call Lucy back. She wanted to, she wanted to check in on her, she wanted to know why Lucy hung up, why Lucy was so weird. But it was obvious Lucy was bothered. She didn't answer the few "hows it going" texts that Keira sent. She didn't post or tweet anything. Lucy was trying to shut something out, but what?

Keira was depressed about how their phone call went. They were having such a nice time reminiscing about playing at City together, Lucy seemed to happy and so friendly. It was like nothing had changed. But the second Keira tried to show her friend attention, the second she brought up Lyon, Lucy snapped and now she wouldn't talk to Keira at all.

Something was definitely wrong with Lucy. Lucy had always been there for Keira. Keira wouldn't ever have to even ask, Lucy was always there. Lucy would do anything for Keira, she would do everything Keira wanted before she knew she wanted it, she would hold the weight of the world for her. But now, it wasn't just the physical distance that kept them apart, and both girls felt the effect of it as emptiness.

Pouring out her heart to Steph one night, Keira explained all her worries about Lucy in complete honesty for the first time. It broke Steph's heart not only to see Keira so sad, but also to see into the mutual pain that Lucy was feeling.

"I think you should visit Lucy's parents," Steph suggested after a while.

"Lucy's parents!" cried Keira. It had been a long time since she had seen the old couple and she couldn't see the good in it. They were kind people but she couldn't imagine going without Lucy.

"You're concerned about their daughter," Steph explained. "I think they would want to know if she's feeling down, and they might have a solution for how to help her."

Keira thought for a moment, then she nodded. "You're right."

"Take Lucy Stan with you if you don't want to be alone," Steph recommended. "You know how close they were."

Keira and Lucy Stan drove to Northumberland where Lucy had set her parents up with a nice little place, to have a visit to them. They were sweet and welcoming of Keira as always, After talking everything over with Mr and Mrs Bronze, they all thought about what to do for Lucy.

"What if you invited her here," Mrs Bronze suggested.

"Here? To England?" Keira repeated. "Nah, nah. She's too busy to come even if she wanted to."

"She wants to," Lucy Staniforth reassured Keira. "She just doesn't know how to tell you, and she doesn't want to admit that she made the wrong choice in leaving."

Keira looked at her friend in confusion. "I don't see what good inviting her here would do, no offence."

"A lot of good," Mr Bronze put in. "I would ask her myself, but I think she needs to hear it from a friend. Otherwise I'd hear the same 'I have training, Papa' that I always get from her."

"She's not hearing anything from me apparently," Keira murmured.

Keira and Lucy Stan drove back to Steph's house in the darkness of night.

"Thanks for coming with me, Stan," Keira said.

"I wish you'd told me sooner about Luce," Lucy said, shaking her head. "She's so secretive these days, as if we didn't both start our careers together at Sunderland as teenagers, as if we haven't been friends for so long. She's been quiet with her parents, with you, with me...its not fair to us but its also not fair to her. She needs someone to be there with her and for her."

"I've tried!" Keira cried helplessly.

"I know. Look, I think you need to try one more time. You need to call her, text her, whatever. Tell her to come to Manchester. If she comes, then she comes. If she doesn't...."

"I don't want to face that possibility," Keira sniffed quietly. The girls drove in silence for a few minutes.

"Me either."

"But at the same time I can't be running in circles, running after her if she doesn't even care anymore. I guess I just...thought we had something special, something better than this."

"You do! Lucy's in a bad state. She's got a lot of issues. God knows coming back would be good for her."

"I wouldn't know how to face her anyways," Keira added quietly.

"Kei, I understand, true, I do," Stan said firmly. "But this is not about you anymore. This is about Lucy. The Lucy we know and love. She needs help. You can help her. Just call her. Give it one more shot."

Keira stared out the window as they drove through the night, as if it would give her a sign about what to do. She used to be able to count on Lucy to help her make the right decisions. It was so different now.

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