Chapter 13: Lucy's Return

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Lucy woke up as there was a light knock on her bedroom door. She opened her eyes as Steph peeked in. "Morning, Luce," Steph said sweetly. "Do you need help getting up?" She glanced at Lucy's ankle as Lucy pulled aside the sheets and sat up in bed.

Lucy shook her head. "Thanks, Steph, I'm fine." She groaned quietly as she accidentally leaned on her hurt fist.

Steph smiled sympathetically at her. "Ok. I made breakfast for you and Keira, we're going off to training and Keira wanted you to come along, just to hang out, ok?"

Lucy nodded and Steph disappeared down the hall. Lucy took a deep breath, her first in a while. Everything seemed so peaceful, it felt like it had been years since her ultimate breakdown in her apartment in Lyon. Was this a dream? Was she actually in Manchester? Was Keira really there?

For some reason, she hurried out of bed and into the kitchen, stopping short in the doorway when she saw Keira sitting at the table. She almost sighed of relief. She let herself smile, and went to sit across her friend at the table.

Keira stared back at her awkwardly, not knowing whether or not to say something. Her face turned into a funny, childish smile that made Lucy laugh and look down. Keira blushed and looked away.

Lucy reached across the table and grabbed Keira's hand. There was a deep sincerity in her beautiful eyes that held Keira prisoner to her gaze. "I'm sorry," Lucy whispered, giving Keira's hand three squeezes.

Keira's eyes glossed over with tears as she nodded silently, wearing a sad smile. She pulled Lucy's hand up to her cheek. "I missed you."

"You have no idea," Lucy said quietly.

Keira helped Lucy dress in some joggers and a sweatshirt, minding her ankle and her fist which Keira kept herself from asking about. She did ask however why Lucy hadn't told her about her ankle injury.

"I guess...I figured you would find out," Lucy sighed. "I wasn't talking to anyone. weren't answering...and.."

"Shhh," Keira said sweetly, shaking her head. "its ok. You don't have to make excuses. I'm just glad you're here."

"So am I," Lucy smiled.

Lucy re-wrapped her fist and then the three footballers set out to City academy for Keira and Steph's training. The morning with Keira and Steph had put Lucy at peace but suddenly her anxiety over her reunion with her old teammates crept in, making her chest feel tight and her heart beat fast.

Keira put a hand on her friend's leg and looked over at Lucy. "Are you ok Luce?"

Lucy didn't realize she was breathing hard in panic. "Errr...yeah." She forced a quick smile and avoided Keira's worried gaze. Suddenly she was regretting coming along. She didn't want to face Georgia and Hempo and the others, the very thought of it terrified her.

After Steph and Keira helped Lucy out of the car (which made Lucy red with embarrassment, not only because she was trying to hide her injury but she hated being helped), they walked into the CFA, Lucy walking just a pace behind them, trying to hide from her former teammates.

She was quickly recognized, and her return took everyone by shock.

"OH. MY. GOD." This was Lucy Stan, of course. She ran to Lucy and swept her up in a hug. "Lucy?! Lucy Bronze!! Wtf are you doing here, ya goosie! Come here!"

Ellen White was also both surprised and happy to see her old teammate. "Luce! What on earth!! When did you get here!" She wrapped Lucy in a motherly hug, flashing Steph a questioning look, to which the Skipper could only shrug.

Others were, lets just say, less happy to see Lucy. As Lucy walked with Keira up to the training pitch, they passed Georgia and Hempo. Lucy's heartrate rose like a rocket as she saw them approaching. She wanted to run the other way but she knew she had to pretend like they were cool. Georgia's face, the second she caught sight of Lucy, was one of absolute shock. Her face paled, and then turned red with anger.

As Georgia passed Lucy, she purposely slammed her shoulder into the former City defender, almost knocking Lucy over on her unsteady ankle. Keira, a few steps ahead, didn't notice the jab but when Lucy looked behind her shoulder at G, she was flashed a nasty look. Lucy shook her head and kept walking behind Keira.

Lucy settled on the bench and watched the girls as they did drills and played scrimmages. She wished so badly she could be back out there on the pitch, playing with her friends who she missed so much. Football was the thing that brought her happiness, something to lean on in her saddest times, but now it left an empty space in her heart. At least she got joy out of seeing Keira happy.

After the scrimmage, Lucy walked onto the pitch to join the girls. She made eye contact with Georgia for no more than a millisecond, and dropped her eyes, instantly regretting it. Why was she so afraid of her? Why was she letting this girl, this girl who Lucy considered no more than a kid when she last saw her, get her so worked up? Like always, Lucy was just afraid of confrontation leading to another breakdown.

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