Part 6 - Just Business

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Monday morning. I've been impatiently waiting for this morning since Friday. I'm finally going to learn how my presentation worked out. I drive to work nervously and get quickly to my office. First thing I do is call the colleagues who are responsible for these things and let them know I need them to call me as soon as they hear from the investors. After that's settled I take a breath and go on with my work.

I'm so nervous for this piece of paper that's going to define how well or not I did with my work that the time doesn't pass. I keep checking the clock and wondering why they're not calling me. Every phone call I get makes my heart skip a bit but up to now none of them are about what I'm anticipated to hear about. The phone starts ringing again and when I answer I finally hear the magic words. I go quickly over there and search around for my piece of paper. My hands are shaking and when I finally find it I read it up and down eagerly.

"Oh my God!" I let out.

"What is it? How did it go?" Michelle, a friend of mine from his department, asks.

"I can't believe it, six new investors!" I must be yelling in joy.

Six new investors is a very good outcome. I would be happy with three, but six is making me jump around in joy.

"I knew you could do it" Michelle says and hugs me.

"Thank you" I hug her back strongly.

I leave their offices and on my way back to mine I go by Malcolm's office. I knock on his door and he calls me in.

"Hey, how are you?" he asks me when he sees me.

"I'm great. More than great, actually" I reply with excitement and wave the paper in the air.

"Is that what I think it is?" he asks shocked.

"Yes, it is. See it for yourself" I say and he stands up immediately.

He takes a few steps closer to me and grabs the paper from my hand. He takes a few seconds to read it and then looks at me with the happiest look in his eyes.

"You nailed it!" he sounds as excited as I am.

We share a long tight hug and then he gives it back to me.

"Thank God this celebration we had wasn't for nothing" I say.

"I was sure you were going to win them over. Six new investors with your first meeting with them. That has to be a record"

"No, it's not. The record is nine and I bet you can guess who owns it" I raise an eyebrow.

"How did Downey even do that? He's got to teach me his tricks" he says, easily getting it was Downey.

"I don't know, but as long as my numbers are like this I don't care" I laugh.

"Maybe you can teach me your tricks, then"

"When it's your time for a presentation like this you'll have my full support and help, I promise" we both smile.

"Thank you"

"Well, I have to go back to my office. I'll see you around"

"Okay" he says and waves me goodbye.

I continue my work happier than ever. My boss came by to congratulate me in person just like some other people did. The whole day was so relaxing and refreshing for me. These great news helped me get through the day much easier. Some time after my lunch break my phone interrupted my work once again.

"Olivia Beck's office" I say picking it up.

"Ms. Beck, Mr. Downey wants to see you in his office" his assistant says and I shut my eyes.

Strictly Inappropriate (RDJ FanFic) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora