Part 31 - D.C.

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We were at the office when I got a sudden phone call from Malcolm. He asked me to go to his office because he has something important to say to me. I don't know what it is but he sounded very nervous and sad. I just hope it's nothing serious. I go over as quickly as I can and gently knock on his door. When he lets me in he stands up and we take a seat together on the couch. The vibes I'm getting from him are not good. He seems very down.

"What's wrong?" I ask and place my hand over his.

"I just got some news" he starts saying and sighs.

"What news? Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" I panic and hold him tighter.

"Yes, don't worry, I'm great. It's work related" he says and I feel some relief inside me.

"Alright, what is it?" I ask looking into his eyes.

"I'm-I'm being transferred to D.C" he says nervously and looks down.

"Why? Did you ask for a transfer? I mean, they don't just move people to other cities without a reason" I'm trying to understand.

"Of course I didn't ask for it, not really anyway" he sighs.

"What do you mean not really?" I frown.

"Downey asked me if I would be interested in working on a new project that's going on, he explained all the details and it sounded like a great opportunity so I said yes. I didn't know it was in D.C, I swear I wouldn't make a decision like this without asking you" he sounds apologetic.

From his first word, that evil, trouble making word, Downey, I understood what's going on. He's trying to get rid of Malcolm and he tricked him into this.

"You didn't sign any petitions for this, right? There's no proof you asked for the transfer" I'm trying to remain calm and find a way to solve this.

"No, I didn't. I told you I'd never do anything like that without your opinion"

"Did you talk to Downey?" I ask him.

"No, you're the first one I wanted to talk to. I'm so sorry, I'll try to fix this. I don't know if there's much I can do but I'll do everything" he says and holds my hands strongly.

"We'll figure this out together, I'm sure" I smile.

"You're calmer than I expected" he chuckles.

"That's because I know we'll work it out" I say sweetly.

Or maybe because I'm about to try putting some sense into Downey's head.

"I'll make a few phone calls and then I'll go see Downey. I'll try to sort this mess out" he says.

"Great, I'll leave you to it. Let me know if anything changes, alright?"

"You'll be the first to know" he finally smiles.

We both lean in and kiss each other with love. He needs my support now, he feels terrified about this transfer. Even though he doesn't say it I can see it. He was much more tense and nervous, he blames himself. But I know very well who is to blame and its no one other than Downey.

I go to his office and Claire lets me know he's available so I get in. I keep a happy face all the way until I open his door. Then I reveal my true emotions which are anger and frustration. He's sitting behind his desk, working as usual, but when he sees me he smiles in satisfaction for some reason.

"I was wondering when you'd show up here looking like this. You're so predictable, Ms. Beck" he says and lets his pen on his desk.

"Since I'm so predictable I assume I don't have to say the reason I'm here" I cross my arms and stop just in front of his desk.

"I'll take a wild guess and say it's about Mr. Collins' promotion" he smirks proudly.

"You call that a promotion?"

"He's getting a better salary, better work environment and a much better work plan, so yes I'd call that a promotion" he explains.

I shut my eyes and and try to deal with my anger. It's building inside me so quickly, I can't manage it. He just stands there looking at me all serious and focused.

"You're sending him to D.C. because you're a jealous as*hole. Cancel the call immediately" I say aggressively and he chuckles.

"Language, Ms. Beck, you're talking to your boss" he smiles.

"Screw my language" I hiss.

"I'd rather screw you instead" he licks his lip while smiling.

I take a deep breath to calm down and not snap in front of him. I want both of us to find a solution which means I have to be thinking clearly.

"Listen, Downey, we're both adults, we can find a solution. Just leave Malcolm out of this" I say calmly.

"What can you offer me, Ms. Beck?" he asks and stands up straightening his suit.

"It obviously annoys you that I'm with Malcolm so I promise that we won't be acting as a couple during work. You won't be seeing us together anymore and eventually your jealousy will fade away" I suggest.

"That's not even close to what I would settle down for" he says and stands in front of me.

"I'm not breaking up with him" I say sternly.

"This isn't what I want either"

"Then what do you want?" I ask desperately.

"I want us back to where we were before him" he says seriously.

"Forget it, this isn't happening" I refuse immediately.

"Then I guess your boyfriend is going to D.C." he shrugs.

"That's low, even for you. Blackmailing me into having sex with you" I shake my head.

"I would call it blackmail if I was saying it to him, now I'm simply setting my terms with you" he says innocently.

"Whatever, Downey. Send him to D.C, it won't change anything. We'll have a long distance relationship, still I won't be with you"

"You'll see him every 2 weeks at best, you'll need someone to take care of you in between and that's when I come in" he says proudly and traces his hands to my ass.

He squeezes me tightly with both his hands while I'm trying to process everything.

"You're so full of yourself. You can keep dreaming that we're happening again but that's all it'll ever be, a dream. So, go ahead and do whatever you think will work. Send him to Europe if you want to. But this whole thing isn't helping your case at all" I say upset and leave his office.

I'm so pissed, so disappointed. Disappointed in him, in me, in everything. I can't believe I fell for him. He's just so selfish and bad.

To my bad luck I stumble into Malcolm just a few steps after I leave Downey's office.

"Were you just coming from Downey's office? I'm on my way there now" he asks me.

"Yes, I had something to discuss with him" I nod.

"Well, you surely are spending a lot of time there lately. Careful, he might try to send you to D.C. as well" he says and I fake smile since I'm not in the mood for jokes.

"Why are you like this, though? You seem upset" he now sounds worried and confused.

"I'm okay, he just reminded me of how much of an as*hole he can be sometimes"

"That's true. Don't ruin your mood over him, he's not worth it" he says and I nod.

"Good luck with your visit there" I smile to give him hope.

"Thank you, I'll let you know how it goes" he smiles back and places a kiss on my forehead before we part our ways.

Poor Malcolm has no idea where he's gotten in to. He thinks it's his fault that he's being transferred. Little does he know that his buddy is the true reason. God, I hope this ends well somehow. One thing is for sure, though, and that's that I'm not falling for his blackmail.

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