Part 11 - Business Pleasure Mix

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I slowly open my eyes on my bed and yawn. God, I'm so tired. Turning around I notice something's different. Where are my stuff? This rooms seems a little different.

Oh sh*t.

This is not my room.

I am not tired, I'm sore.

I face-palm myself and curse in between my teeth remembering I came to his room yesterday. If I remember correctly we did get some work done before we had sex. Again. At least he's not here, I can't see him around the room. I quickly stand on my feet only to find out I'm completely naked.

When did I become such a slut?

I collect my clothes from the floor and put them all on clumsily. It's been a while since I had sex twice in a day. I barely have the strength to walk straight to the door but before I can reach it the devil himself appears.

"Where do you think you're going, Ms. Beck?" his morning voice so bossy.

I take a deep breath trying to hide all the embarrassment inside me before turning around.

"To my room" I reply and that's when I see him.

He's only wearing his boxers and his dress shirt from last night which is open, showing off his body. His hair is messy and this three day stubble never looked so good on anyone.

If I get aroused I'm going to kill myself.

"I've ordered breakfast for both of us" he says and I see his eyes falling on my cleavage which is somehow exposed since I didn't have time to button my shirt completely.

"Thank you but I'm not hungry" I reply and then we hear the room service knocking on the door.

"Too bad" he says and passes through me to get to the door.

I grab his hand to stop him from opening the door. He gives me a confused look.

"I don't want to be seen like this in here" I whisper shout at him and he rolls his eyes.

I go further inside the room and hide as he happily gets the breakfast. When he shuts the door he finds me again and looks at me up and down eagerly.

"Coffee?" he asks like nothing's going on.

"No, thank you" I already feel very much awake, coffee won't help me.

"Don't be grumpy, Ms. Beck" he says and takes a sip from his coffee.

"I'm not grumpy, I'm uncomfortable" I correct him.

"Fair enough. Can I help you somehow?"

"You can put some pants on" I say and look away.

He nods and finds his pants, gladly wearing them on. Turns out it doesn't help the situation at all.

"I'll take my files and work from my room, we can meet again tomorrow" I mumble trying to get out of here as easily as possible.

"That's not going to happen, we have a meeting tomorrow and we must be prepared" he shakes his head.

"Don't get this wrong, Mr. Downey, but I believe I'll have more work done by myself" I say and put my files in my purse.

"I said it's not going to happen" he replies more sternly.

"Yes, it is. I'll see you tomorrow morning" I start walking away.

"Fine. You'll be back soon, you forgot something" he shouts when I'm at the door.

I sigh and turn around.

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