Part 21 - Clearing The Air

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It's been a week and things are going well. Me and Malcolm are really taking things slow. We're not a couple, like we've already talked about, we're just spending more time together and sharing some romantic moments but we're not having any sex or anything like that. It's part of taking things slow. We're not telling people about us yet to avoid any confusion. It's not like we have much to tell them anyway.

We're now at the office coming closer and closer to the end of the day. I have plans with Malcolm after work to grab a bite and then maybe a drink depending on the mood. For now I'm in my office working on some things and a knock on my door catches my attention. I believe it's Malcolm so I welcome him in and it's when he reached my desk that I look at him. But it's not him, it's Downey. What is he doing here?

"What are you doing here?" I ask sternly.

"Is this how you greet your friends?" he asks and leans on my desk with his strong arms.

"We are not friends" I say laughing.

"Right, we're lovers" he says cockily.

"We're definitely not lovers" I say coldly.

"We were last week" he smirks.

"Is there something you need from me, Downey? If not please get out of my office" I say desperately.

"Let's go for a drink after work, I'm free" he slowly comes behind me.

"You are insane if you think I'm going out with you ever again" I refuse immediately.

"Don't be stubborn, you know you want this" he whispers and rests his hands strongly on my shoulders.

"Get off, Downey, I said no" I push his hands away.

He doesn't give up and immediately he rests them on my sides and leans down to place his lips on the back of my neck.

"Anyone could walk in any minute, what do you think you're doing?" I whisper shout and stand up to be away from him.

"By anyone you mean your boyfriend?" he asks and looks at me dead in the eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you that my relationship with Malcolm is none of your business?" I hiss.

"You had your fun with him, don't tell me you'll continue this act. Come back to me" he says clenching his jaw and stretches his arms to pull me into him.

"Do you even realize how pathetic you sound?" I avoid him and roll my eyes.

"Just come with me after work. Don't tell me you haven't missed me at all" he says proudly and caresses my cheek with the back of his palm seductively.

"I couldn't even if I wanted to, I've already made plans. Now please leave before anyone suspects anything" I groan and slap his hand away.

"Fine, I get it. You want to play hard to get" he exhales and starts walking away.

When he leaves and shuts his door I take deep breaths to calm myself down. I can't be like this when I see Malcolm again. He'll realize something's off. I don't talk to him until it's time to leave and then I go to his office to see if he's ready to go. I knock on his door and when he lets me in I get inside and see him still sitting behind his desk with his stuff all over the place.

"What are you still doing? It's time to go" I say.

"I'm sorry" he sighs and throws his hands in the air.

"What is it?" I stand behind him.

"Downey just sent me a pile of files, I won't make it tonight" he says with a very apologetic tone.

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