Part 16 - Should I Stay Or Should I Go

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I got a text from Downey with his address in it later today. Only that, nothing more. I didn't even text him back. Hell, we didn't even discuss the time he invited me over. I had a glass of wine with Eve after work at her place thinking about tonight and how wrong it is going over. Her opinion is always the same, she thinks I should stop seeing Downey. I agree with her that he's an as*hole and I really want to stop whatever we're doing but every time I see him I want to be all over him. It's crazy, I know. I hate him all the time expect the times I see him. Then, all the hate turns to lust.

I left her place around 8 and I went over to mine to get ready. I didn't know what to wear, what time to go over, what to say. I don't even know if I'm supposed to bring something with me. Maybe some wine. But he already said we're going to have wine there. What about the food? Is tonight a wine and dine situation or just a wine situation? I was sitting around and thinking this all through for almost an hour.

That's enough. I'm bringing myself and that should be more than enough. By the time I was ready and outside his house it was after 10. It's kind of late but we never discussed the time so there shouldn't be a problem with this. I park the car and walk to his front door. This place is gorgeous on the outside. I take a breath and ring the doorbell. He takes a good amount of seconds to open it but he eventually does.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't show up" he says looking at me up and down.

"Better late than never" I reply and smile.

"Please, come in" he says softly and shows me the way with his hand.

I take a few steps in and I feel like I'm in a famous person's home. Everything seems so beautifully decorated and it has such a rich aura. We stand in the middle of the hall and he looks at me as I watch around the house.

"Do you want a tour?" he asks.

"Sure" I agree.

Firstly he takes my coat and after he takes care of it we start with the tour. He shows me all the rooms and gives me a few details about them.

"The bedrooms and another bathroom are upstairs but we can see them later" he says smiling.

The way he slightly bites his tongue when he smiles like that is enough to piss me off and turn me on at the same time.

"I'll find you in the living room with the wine" he continues when he sees that all I do is sigh and roll my eyes.

I nod and start walking over there. I know he hasn't moved and he's looking at me walking away but I become certain about it when I take a seat and see that he has just started moving. He comes next to me with a freshly open bottle and two glasses and takes a seat.

"I hope you're not expecting us to finish this" I say referring to the bottle.

"No pressure on that matter, we can drink as much as you want us to" he replies pouring the glasses with wine.

We clink our glasses and take a sip. It's really tasty I must admit.

"Nice choice" I say.

"I'm glad you like it, it's my personal favourite" he says proudly.

For the next few minutes we had a steady normal conversation. It didn't feel as weird as I thought it would, especially after the second glass of wine.

"So, do you really have an announcement for me or was it just a lie to get me to come over?" I ask and take a sip again.

"Of course I do"

"Good, because I turned down a very good suggestion for this"

"Don't tell me that's the only reason you're here" he says seductively.

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