Part 34 - Soft Side

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I spent the night at my house with Eve. She came by to help me with my bad mood and constant crying. That's what best friends are for, right? She even spent the night here, sleeping with me on my bed. The whole day I couldn't stop myself from crying. I felt so bad about Malcolm, how I made him feel betrayed. It was never my intention, I really wanted us to work but seems like my instincts didn't want to let go of Downey. If I could resist him and his flirting, like I wanted, I wouldn't be in this situation.

Eve helped my the following day too. She got permission to leave her work early and even came by for her lunch break. She brought me something to eat since I was completely out of the mood to cook or eat. If she hadn't brought me food I'd probably stay in my seat and starve myself. She witnessed me eat because she said she didn't trust that I would actually eat after she left.

Turns out she was right because the hours she wasn't here I didn't even think about eating. All I did was look at my laptop screen fooling myself by thinking I was working and eventually tear up or cry at the mess I've created with my life. I'm an awful person, I knew that already. But hearing Malcolm, someone who cares about me, saying it broke me.

When Eve came by after her work she found me in my mess, with dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep and the crying. She did everything to make me feel better and it kind of worked. Music, talking, comforting, keeping me occupied and away from my thoughts. I don't know how many times she told me everything will be okay but I actually started to believe it.

"Any news?" she asks me when she sees I'm checking my phone.

"No sign of Malcolm" I sigh.

I know I probably made things worse but I texted him. He didn't text me back nor called me.

"What about Downey?"

That's a different story, he texted me to see how I'm doing but I wasn't in the mood to start a conversation so I replied distantly. He made another attempt to reach me but I really didn't know what to say to him so I ignored him.

"You know, the same" I shake my head.

She fake smiles and hugs me softly. We finally reached the point where this hug doesn't bring tears to my eyes for reminding me of my true feeling but instead it makes me feel better.

We ordered a pizza and stayed on the couch until it was already night. A movie kept us company. A comedy obviously because if I saw a tiny bit of romance I would burst out in tears immediately.

The only thing that got me up from the couch was the sudden sharp sound coming from my buzzer. I went to the camera suspiciously, I didn't know who it was. The camera easily showed me it was Downey since he was looking straight at it like he was starring in The Office.

"Downey?" I ask surprised.

"Let me in, please" he says softly.

I look at Eve who is looking at me equally shocked. I'm a mess, I don't want him seeing me like that. And it's strangely late for him to be here.

I buzz him in and wait for him by the door. In a couple of minutes he steps out of the elevator and looking straight at me he walks determined closer to me. When he's at the door, right in front of me, he makes his move and brings his hands on my face while pulling me in for a kiss.

It's just as rough as it needs to be, mainly sensual and emotional. We're moving backwards while tasting each other's lips. My hands are also on his body, feeling him as much as I can. Neither one of us wants to break that kiss, we want to take in as much as we can of each other. We finally have to pull apart to catch our breaths. His forehead is pressed against mine and he's looking right into my eyes. His very expressive eyes are now only focused on mine.

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