Part 41 - The House

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Sitting on my chair behind my desk, working as I should, I get a text and feel my phone buzzing. I check it and see it's from Downey. He's asking me to go over to his office. Through a text. That's new. I leave my work in the middle and visit him. He's looking at his laptop's screen and immediately motions me to go close to him when he sees me. I gladly walk there and rest my hands on his back. He feels relaxed, which is nothing like what he's been feeling lately because of the divorce and the constant work he's doing.

"Take a look at this" he says pointing at the screen.

I turn my head to look at it and notice it's a house. I have to admit some confusion and shock went through my head. Is he looking for a house for him? For us? I really couldn't tell.

"I didn't know you were looking for a house" I say and take my eyes off the screen to look at him.

"I'm in your shoes for 3 weeks already, I think it's time for me to finally take my stuff into my new house since Susan is keeping the old one" he replies seriously.

I pass my hand through his hair and he slowly pulls my hand so I lean down. When I'm close enough for him to reach me he carefully places his hand on the back of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. The kiss ends when he decides so by taking his hand off my neck and allowing me to stand again normally.

"Don't rush this, take as much time as you need. It's an important decision" I say.

"That's why I want your opinion on the matter. I have an appointment to see another house after work, will you join me? I've settled down to one of these two"

"Of course, I'd love to help you with that" I smile getting excited already.

"You have to look at this first, you know, in order to compare the two" he says sarcastically because I didn't actually take a look at the first house he wanted to show me.

"Oh right" I giggle and face palm myself.

"Come here" he says moving his chair a little bit backwards and then he pats his lap.

I nod and go in front of him without a second thought. I sit on his lap and face the screen. Looking at the pictures of the house I easily come to the fact that it's great. The architecture is similar to his old house which I believe was one of the reasons he picked it. His hands are on my thighs, slowly moving down towards my knees and back again. As much focused as I am on the screen he's focused on me. With his soft touch on my thighs, his upper body being close to my back and his lips leaving a few kisses on my neck and slightly open back.

"I think it's a very good choice" I comment on the house.

"It's indeed lovely" he doesn't even take his eyes off my back and proceeds with kissing my shoulder.

"Hey, concentrate on the house please" I say smiling playfully.

"Yeah, keep it in mind and I'll wait for your opinion on the other one as well to decide" he clears his throat and rests his head on my shoulder, next to mine.

"Sounds great" I nod.

"I'll find you after work, alright?" he asks and I turn to face him.

"Okay" I reply and we share another kiss before I leave.

The next remaining hours went by easily and before I even knew it he came by my office around 5:20pm. We wait for a while after work is over so that the other people working here don't see us together. We took our cars and I followed him closely as we drove to the other house he wanted to show me. On the outside it is much different than the other house and his previous one. It seems very modern with huge windows and I can tell the decoration inside is going to be equally beautiful.

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