COTE/RWBY: Volume 1 Chapter 11: Forever Fall

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(Team JNPR's Dorm Room)

It was another late night and the three members of (J)NPR were in their dorm rooms currently with Nora jumping on her bed, Ren cleaning his weapon, and Pyrrha looking out the window.

"How come Jaune comes home so late?" Nora asked as she jumped on her bed.

"He's become rather scarce ever since he's been fraternizing with Cardin." Ren answered.

"That's weird, doesn't he know we have a field trip tomorrow?... We need our Rest!" Nora declared as she did a acrobatic move in the air and landed on her bed.

"I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing." Pyrrha said with hidden anger in her voice.

"Hmmm.....I guess so." Nora said.


Third Person POV



While the rest of team (J)NPR was conversing with one another, they didn't notice Jaune peeking a little into the door as he heard them talk, Jaune then sighed and closed the door before they can notice him.

"I'm making my team worry this much about me and I'm pretty sure Pyrrha is furious with me right now, I'm such a failure." Jaune said with depression in his voice.

"What made you think that?" A voice said.

"Huh?" Jaune said confused as he turned to see his teamless friend Kiyotaka who was standing a few feet away from him.

"Kiyotaka?.... What are you doing out here so late?.... shouldn't you be in your Dorm Room?" Jaune said as he didn't want his friend to see him in his depressive state.

"You'd be right about that, but I had stuff I needed to take care of at this time before I went to my Dorm Room, but I could also ask you the same question, I was on my way back to my dorm room and noticed you talking to yourself." Kiyotaka explained.

("Ooooh man now he's gonna think I'm crazy.") Jaune thought

"I'm just thinking about a lot of things." Jaune said.

"If I had to guess, one of them is obviously about your team right?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Sigh........yea you're right." Jaune said.

"I messed up." Jaune continued.

"What do you mean?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Kiyotaka............can you keep a secret?" Jaune asked as he was internally making a decision.

"Uh sure I can, I see no point in telling anybody's secret to people who they don't want to know. But are you sure you really wanna tell me and not somebody else or your team?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Yes I'm pretty sure about it, I'm sure I can tell Ruby about this but I don't think it's a good idea, I think she already has enough on her plate to be honest with her being a team leader and all and I don't wanna drop another bombshell on her. I can't tell Yang because I don't know how she'll react and quite honestly I can't take her seriously sometimes. I can't tell Blake either because we don't really talk that much and I don't know her that well, and I'm sure you know already why I can't tell Weiss." Jaune explained.

"I also can't tell my team right now because I feel now is not the best time for it right now." Jaune continued.

("Wow I guess Jaune's really thought this through, it must be weighing on him that he has no-one to tell this to".) Kiyotaka Thought.

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