COTE/RWBY: Volume 1 Chapter 12: Forever Fall Part 2

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Jaune's POV

(30 minutes ago)

I was currently in the middle of following Cardin and his team in the middle of the forest, I cast one look behind me and saw Pyrrha and the rest of my team go off on their own. I wanted nothing more then to go with them and also apologize for Pyrrha for how I was acting to her a couple of days ago, I regret acting like such a jerk to her.

Still it can't be helped since Cardin still has blackmail on me and I couldn't do anything about it. I remember what he had said to me on my scroll last night and was still wondering why Cardin would just tell me to forget about doing that assignment that Professor Oobleck wanted out of the blue, I was really curious as to why he said that but I didn't want to risk getting him angry or worst case scenario is him telling the headmaster about my fake transcripts.

I started then started to wonder on how people would react but mostly Ruby's team and the rest of my own team finding out about my transcripts. What if they start to hate me? What if they wanted nothing to do with me anymore? Those were the what ifs that were haunting me the most and if it actually happened I don't know how I would take It.

My thoughts then started recalling the talk I had with Kiyotaka last night, I was surprised that he didn't care about me having fake transcripts and instead told me I actually belonged here. I was shocked at his words because it sounded like he knew what he said was 100% true.


"You're not the best at Combat Jaune, but you managed to lead your team through initiation even if you were the least experienced person there, not anyone can do that Jaune. I'm sure the headmaster had his reasons for why he picked you instead of Pyrrha to be team leader.  

"That may be true........but what if I get my friends or my team hurt or killed one day because of my failures." I asked being a little in denial.

"That's what your team and friends are here for right?.... to help you improve. Don't be hesitant to ask for any help Jaune, even the most successful people need help from time to time, you have the potential to be a great leader, and I'm sure your team probably knows it as well." Kiyotaka said.

I was shocked at his words and couldn't help but smile a little at his explanation.

(Flashback End)  

I smiled a little at the memory, Kiyotaka and Pyrrha may not care about my transcripts but that doesn't mean the others probably would. After being in a mental debate for a few minutes, I made up my mind and decided to tell Ruby's team and the rest of my team about my fake transcripts tomorrow, hopefully they'll still consider me a friend and a team leader when I do.

"Alright Jauney boy what I want you to do is take this box full of jars and go fill all of them up with red sap, We'll wait here until you get back." Cardin said as he and the rest of his team sat down to rest on some trees.

"Sigh........Ok." I said not really forward to doing this and knowing this is gonna take quite a while for me to do by myself.

I then grabbed the box full of Jars he was carrying and went out to find a tree to put sap in all of them, hopefully I'm not allergic to this stuff.


After about 20 minutes of filling all the Jars up with red sap I made my way back to Cardin and his group feeling exhausted and a little nauseous, I maybe allergic to that stuff after all.

When I finally made it back to where Cardin was I placed all the Jars on the ground and immediately fell to the ground trying to get a little rest.

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