COTE/RWBY: Volume 1 Chapter 13: The Stray

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Third Person POV



It was another day as usual in Beacon and things seemed to be finally resolved between Jaune and Cardin after what happened that day. Today Jaune had made a promise to tell all of his friends about his fake transcripts, so he had waited until all their classes were over and then gathered all of them to talk. As this was happening they all decided to head to Kiyotaka's room, which Kiyotaka noticed that the group started to use his room more ever since he showed them for the first time.

"Why does it have to be my room?" Kiyotaka muttered as he was walking with the group as he sighed.

Yang who was close by him heard what he said, then she wrapped one of her arms around his shoulders in a playful manner with ones of his shoulders dangerously close to her chest.

"Come on Kiyo your room is the better choice for stuff like this." Yang stated as she grinned at him.

('I guess I can understand that, but aren't you too close to me? your chest is almost touching me you know?') Kiyotaka thought, which is what he wanted to say, but he didn't unless he wanted to endure the wrath that is Yang's teasing.

"After seeing how your room is, it kinda gives you an 'empty' feeling. Haaaa? Haaaaaaaah?" She told everyone as the rest of the group groaned at her joke.

"You guys have no sense of humor, my jokes are good." Yang said as she then crossed her arms feeling smug.

"Putting Yang's bad jokes aside she is right Kiyotaka, your room is perfect for stuff like this." Ruby added who was on the other side of him.

('So my room is only seen as a place to hold gatherings or meetings. I don't know if I should feel happy or hurt by that.') Kiyotaka thought.

After they reached Kiyotaka's room he used his scroll to open the door and let the others in. Then all of them sat on one of the beds waiting for Jaune to start.

"Whatever you have to tell us better be good Arc, I have more important things to do right now." Weiss said annoyed.

"like what? Studying?" Blake mocked.

"Quiet you!" Weiss said, as Ruby and Yang started to laugh at her which made Weiss huffed in annoyance as she crossed her arms and looked away.

('Weiss is a person who takes her studies very seriously after all, it's no surprise to me that she studies whenever she gets the chance.') Kiyotaka thought.

"That's pretty admirable not many students study on their free time." Kiyotaka said as he looked at Weiss who sat across from him.

Weiss's eyes look at Kiyotaka in slight surprise after she heard what he said and started to smirk at Blake, "Well at least I have someone in here who understands."

Yang then leaned over to Ruby and Blake and started to whisper, "He's probably just being nice." She said as all three of them chuckled.

"I heard that Xiao Long!" Weiss yelled.

"What do you think fearless leader is gonna tell us Ren? Ooohh could it be about pancakes?!" Nora said almost drooling at the thought of pancakes.

Ren sighed, "No It's mostly likely not about pancakes Nora, this seems serious so whatever he's about to tell us seems important so it's best for us to listen to him when he starts." He explained as Nora nodded.

Pyrrha looked at Jaune and saw that he looked really nervous, She already knew what he was about to tell them, she then walked towards him and put a hand on his shoulder.

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