Hospital Visit

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(Your POV)

     Tyler was sitting down in the chair next to the examining table that I was laying down on while Evan was pacing back and forth in the small room. It was now 2 in the morning, I've been here for over 2 hours now and all I've seen so far was a nurse, I don't even know where Hope and Craig are.

     "Maybe I should-" Evan looks at me as he stops pacing. He shakes his head and continues to pace.

     "What I think you should do is go get a fucking doctor, I'm tired as shit and you aren't helping with all your walking around," Tyler says while looking at Evan. Evan sighs and sits down next to Tyler. Within a few seconds, Evan was started thumping his foot on the ground. Tyler groans and stands up.

     "I'm going to either find a doctor or look for Hope and Craig. Whichever I find first." He opened up the door and walked out, slamming the door shut, leaving just Evan and I.

     "What... happened after I was pushed?" I move my head and look over at Evan.

     "I guess my adrenaline was really high during then, I can hardly remember. I remember Brian punching me, then pushing you, and I know I did something to him. Next thing I knew he was out the front door with Craig and David. That's really all I remember." He says. His phone dings and he pulls it out to look at it.

     "Craig posted something on Twitter hold on I'll read it to you, I'm sure you'll want an update." He tells me as he taps on his phone a couple of times. I watch as his eyes scan the text.

     "There's a video but I'll read what he said first," Evan says, "Made a trip to the hospital after a bad fall, the doctor said it's a distal radius fracture, which for you non scientist people means her wrist is fractured. I think a ton of people if not all will enjoy this video of @CrayzedGoalie high off of pain medicine, hopefully we'll get out of here soon!" Evan says. I smile a little as she isn't feeling any pain at the moment which is good.

     Evan leans over on the bed and holds out his phone so both of us can see. The camera is at Hope who is looking back at the camera before giving a confused look.

     "The door is closed, we need to open it back up so the doctor can come in," Hope says while turning her head, the camera pans over to the door which is wide open before turning to a doctor writing something on a couple of papers. Evan and I start to laugh.

     "Hope, that's the third time you said that, he's already in here," Craig says while laughing. She shakes her head.

     "Well, that's good." She pauses for a second before smiling, "I love you so much." She says, Craig starts to laugh. as he grabs onto her hand. My door opens up and I see Tyler with a doctor. Evan pauses the video and goes back to his seat. It's about time.

     "Okay Ms. (Y/LN) and I'm guessing you're boyfriend?" The doctor asks. I look over at Evan as he shakes his head no.

     "Alright, what I'm going to have you do sir is leave the room for me for a few minutes alright? I just need to ask her a few questions and do an examination." She tells Evan. He gives me a smile and gets up from his chair and walks out of the room with Tyler, closing the door behind me. She sits at the chair next to the sink.

     "I need you to be honest with these questions okay? It's just for file purposes, and if we need to, to get the police involved." She says. I felt my heart sink after that. I nod my head and wait.

     "There was alcohol involved when this happened correct?" I nod my head as she checks something off.

     "Were you pushed?" She asks. She begins to wash her hands at the sink.

     "I was but it was to get out of the way. It was basically an accident." I say, I can feel my heart beginning to speed up. She nods her head and starts to dry off her hands while grabbing a pair of gloves.

     "This wasn't domestic abuse was it?" She asks while glancing at me. I shake my head no.

     "No, I'm single at the moment. It was two friends fighting and I tried to break it up. That's when I got pushed." I say, she nods her head and begins to write something on the clipboard while putting on the latex gloves. She finishes writing up something before coming over to me.

     "Okay, I'm going to help you up so I can check your back okay?" She says as she moves one hand at my lower back and the other on my shoulder. She helped me sit up but the pain was still there even while I was sitting up.

     "I'm going to press on different parts of you back and just tell me where it hurts alright?" She says. I nod my head. 

     She starts from the top near my shoulders, I shake my head as she starts moving around with her hand. As she moves down more there's still no pain until she presses near my lower back. That's when I hiss out in pain. Her hand backs away quickly from it.

     "Is it alright if I lift up your shirt? I want to get a better look at your back. " She says. I nod my head as she lifts up my shirt to my bra line.

     "There is red around the area and a bruise is starting to form. There is luckily not much swelling, have there been any muscle spasms or cramping in the area that you have been able to feel?" She asks. I shake my head no. She rolls over back to the sink and writes something down.

     "Is the pain any better from when it first happened?" She asks, I nod my head.

     "Before it was like a ten, now, it feels like a 4, maybe a 5?" I say. She writes down what I say.

     "So from feeling your back and you telling me what you said, you have a mild low back strain. I can prescribe you a medicine to help with the pain. You would have to take it for a week or when the pain is no longer there, 2 times per day." She says. I look at her confused.

     "What's the honest difference between a sprain and a strain?" I ask.

     "A sprain is the pulling or tearing of a ligament, while a strain is a stretch or tear in a muscle or tendon." She says. I nod my head as she writes something down.

     "I would also recommend icing it and heating it up as well to help with the swelling and bruising." She says as she takes off her gloves and throws them in the trash.

     "I'm going to go write out your prescription form and fax it to where you get your prescriptions." She opens up the door and walks out. Evan and Tyler both come rushing back in.

     "YOU HAVE TO FINISH THE VIDEO NOW!" Evan says already pulling out his phone and going back to the video. He hands me the phone and plays it where we left off.

     "Is it alright if you hold this just for a few seconds?" Craig asks the doctor, the doctor laughs and holds the phone and turns the camera so it's facing Craig and Hope. Craig gets down on one knee and looks at Hope.

     "Wait, don't you have a girlfriend?" Hope asks Craig. I felt my heart speed up as a smile came onto my face, I laughed at what she said.

     "You are my girlfriend, that's why I'm proposing to you. I'm doing it now so you won't remember it later and I can do it again." Craig says. The doctor laughs from behind the camera

     "Hope will you marry me?" He asks. She shrugs her shoulders.

     "I mean I guess I will but your girlfriend won't be happy about it," Hope says. Craig looks at the ground and begins to laugh as he shakes his head.

     "Well, this is definitely good practice." He says while getting back up and getting his phone back.

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