Ask Mini

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Enjoy this long and cute little chapter, my people :)

(Your POV)

     I close the door to my room and change into today's outfit, high waisted jean shorts and a black tank top. I push my hair and put on deodorant before I grab my phone and walk out of my room and down the stairs. I hear a loud, GAME. David starts screaming as Tyler and Brian start laughing. I look at the tv in the living room and see Super Smash on. Music plays from the kitchen.

     "HOW ABOUT YOU GET OFF OF WII FIT TRAINER AND BE A REAL MAN!" David yells to Brian. Brian glances over at me and gives me a small smile.

     "Wanna play Smash with us? We just started." Brian says holding out a Wii remote. I look around as everyone is still in their pajamas. I nod my head and go to sit on the couch next to Tyler and David. 

     There was a knock on the front door which caused as all to look at it, it was open and Evan walks in with a couple of white boxes in his arms, behind him another guy. The other guy closes the door and carries in a jug of milk and orange juice. I realize the other guy is Lui. I gasp and hop off of the couch to give him a hug.

     "LUI! HOW ARE YOU!" I say as I hug him. He laughs as he wraps one of his arms around me.

     "Wow hi, yeah it's been a long time! I'm doing good." He says. I let go of the hug so he can go set the jugs down.

     "I brought doughnuts for everyone to say sorry for last night! Got everyone's favorite!" Evan calls out to everyone as he sets the boxes on the island counter and looks over at me and smiles. Lui sets down the jugs next to the doughnut boxes.

     "And yes (Y/N), Hope told me your favorite flavor so you don't have to eat glazed." He tells me. Hope hops up from her spot on the couch and runs to the doughnuts, pushing Evan out of the way and grabbing a white chocolate coconut coved doughnut.

     "You know, I think I almost forgive you and Brian for breaking my wrist. Keep getting me food and all will be forgiven." She says. I wrap my arm around Hope's shoulder and look at the selection of doughnuts.

     "You know, I think I agree with Hope, keep giving us food and all will be forgiven," I say as I grab my favorite flavor. I glance over at Brian who looks over at Evan then back to the cabinets for a glass. I go to the other side of the island and sit on the barstool, Hope sits next to me.

     "Well since we have everyone here today, how about we record the Ask Mini here in a little bit then well see what other shit we can get into," Craig suggests. Hope glares at him and looks at me and smiles at me.

     "I'm fine with doing anything today, as long as I don't have to be next to Craig." She says loudly. I start to giggle as he sighs and stands next to her and lays his head on her shoulder.

     "I'll get you to come around, I know you, you're never mad at me for long." He says while kissing her on the cheek and lifting his head up. I look over and see Tyler looking at me as he holds an empty cup. 

     "Milk or orange juice?" He asks. I tell him milks fine as he starts to pour me a glass of milk and hands it to me. I smile and thank him before he dramatically sighs and looks at Hope

     "Ok, what he hell are we listening to? What even is this shit?!" Tyler exclaims. Hope opens her mouth in shock.

     "This is Falling In Reverse you uncultured swine. Fine, I'll put it on Post Malone radio then. God, so uncultured." Hope huffs as she gets her phone out of her pocket and goes to Pandora.

     "After we record Ask Mini, we could go see Deadpool 2, I mean the first one was pure gold, besides I need my dose of Ryan Reynolds, or I could see Infinity War again, that one was also good," I suggest. I watch as everyone around me looks at the other while nodding their heads. I get out my phone to look at screen times for both movies.

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