Late Night Talk

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(Evans POV)

     I watched (Y/N) during dinner how she was laughing at whatever Tyler or Brian said. She would only give me occasional glances before looking back at the two. A feeling of hatred arose with Brian again, but I kept my cool as best as I could.

     "So are you two coming to my house this fourth of July? I mean everyone's coming to hang out, drink a little, shoot some fireworks, and have ag good time." Tyler asks looking between (Y/N) and I. (Y/N) gasps and starts to nod her head quickly out of excitement.

     "That will be so fun! I mean I'll have to get plane tickets but that shouldn't be a problem! Yes, count me there! What about you Evan?" (Y/N) turns to look at me and smiles.

     "Yeah, I mean I have to get a ticket and everything but yeah, I'll go," I say, she smiles even more as she leans over and gives me a tight hug.

     "MAYBE WE CAN EVEN GET ON THE SAME FLIGHT TOGETHER TO MAKE IT EASIER!" She says excitedly. As I go to hug her back, she leans away from me and continues talking with Tyler about something else. Why is she being so cold towards me? I hate it, I should've never brought up last night.

     I don't know what time it was when I woke up but the room was dark, and I actually forgot where I was for a second, but realized I spent the night at Hope and Craig's house. I sit up from the air mattress and rub my eyes for a second before getting up and going to the kitchen to grab a thing of water. I heard soft footsteps come from the stairs. I look over and see (Y/N) with a blanket wrapped around her, she comes to the kitchen and looks at me.

    "I can't sleep, it's like 3 in the morning and I've just been tossing and turning in bed." (Y/N) whispers quietly to me. I nod my head and get down a glass for her, she takes it and starts to fill up the cup with water also.

     "I could hear David snoring from my room. Maybe that's why I can't sleep, I'll trade places with you." She giggles quietly as I start to smile.

     "You could just sleep on the air mattress down here with me. I promise I won't hog it all." I joke with her. She takes a couple sips of the water before sitting it back down on the counter.

     "I'm not ready to go to bed yet, I want to stay up for longer, and since you're the only one that's up right now I want someone to talk to." She insists. I roll my eyes and go to the back door and open it. (Y/N) looking at me with curiosity.

     "We can talk back here that way we won't have to be as quiet. Sit on the back porch late at night like we used to do back in high school." I suggest. 

     She comes to my side and goes out the door with the blanket and sits on one of the porch chairs. I quietly close the door behind me and sit in the chair next to her. She adjusts the big blanket so I could have some warmth.

     "I figured you would be a little bit cold since your only wearing athletic shorts." She starts to giggle again and brings the blanket to her face as she does. I totally forgot I wasn't wearing a shirt.

    "Well thank you, I appreciate it," I say. I look up at the cloudy night sky and sigh. 

     I felt something hit my shoulder, I turn my head and see that (Y/N) is laying her head on me, also looking up at the night sky. At that moment, it just felt like it was just us two, the quiet made it feel better as I could hear her quietly breathe, that made my heart go soft. I wrap an arm around her and scoot her close to me, she allows it. My heart started to speed up but I remained calm.

     "Sometimes, I just want to look up at the night sky and want other people to see what I see. It makes me wonder if people look at the night sky like I do, I don't know." She looks down and sighs.

     "Sometimes I wonder the same thing. Restless nights I go out and drive to try and find a good place just to star gaze. Sometimes, I bring blankets with me and go down to Santa Monica beach to sit in the trunk of my car and just watch the sun go down. It really makes the end my day a lot better, especially if I'm having a shitty one." I admit to her. She looks over at me as she grabs onto my hand and holds onto it.

    "Maybe one day we can do that together. I would really like that. We could also drive away from the city and actually see the stars in the night sky. We can do both whenever we're either feeling restless like tonight or just want a calm evening." She says looking back up at the night sky. I squeeze her hand and look up as well.

     "I think we'll both enjoy that," I say quietly to myself. I close my eyes and try to envision what it would be like to do either with her. A smile comes onto my face as I imagine just holding her in my lap as we look at the sky together. I open them back up and sigh.

     "I'm sorry for what I said at the restaurant earlier, I knew you were mad at me. I shouldn't have brought it up." I tell her. She remains quiet as I hear her breathing slow down.

     "(Y/N)?" I ask once more. I wait for a reply but don't get one back. 

     At least she fell back asleep. I close my eyes again and soon fell asleep as well, with (Y/N) laying her head on me, as we held hands underneath the blanket.

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