Chapter 1

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*Morgan's pov*

I made my rounds in the indy circuit...from CZW to CZW I met the guy what would end up owning my heart..we were together for a while until we both ended up in FCW..after 6 months I was called and given my official contract little did I realize it would also be the end of my relationship because of the distance..after year has now passed and I learned at last week's meeting that Jon was coming to Raw and Smackdown as Dean Ambrose one third of The Shield and would make his WWE debut at Survivor Series next month...of course my father Paul was up in arms about it...only because it meant I would be around him again...I sat talking to my best friend Nikki...I ran a hand through my hair "Dad doesn't trust me with Jon coming to the main roster...I mean we were together 3 years I was so in love...I probably always will."

Nikki frowned "Why though I mean 3 years is a long time to just throw it away."

I sighed "The being apart I guess...I really don't know why he ended it but I was heartbroken."

She nodded "And why doesn't Paul like him?"

I shrugged as we got off the equipment boxes and started walking "I have no idea."

Nikki nodded "Maybe it's the whole his daughter in a serious relationship with a wrestler thing."

I sighed "Possibly.."

She nodded "So this is why you drug me to NXT"

I nodded "Well I had to be here for a thing with the women's division and I didn't want to come you're here."

Nikki nodded "Well I think your dad is being're 26 if you choose to restart anything with Jon that's up to you I've seen him on NXT...he's a very good looking guy..."

I smiled softly "Yeah he is."

She smiled "And there he is.."

I just looked at her as she started walking off "Nikki really?!"

Nikki smiled and walked off


I felt my heart hit my stomach as I heard my name leave his mouth for the first time in a year...I turned with a small smiled "Hey Jon."

Dean smiled "You look good."

I nodded "You too."

He rubbed the back of his neck "It's been a while."

I nodded crossing my arms "A year."

Dean nodded "For the record I didn't want to end us."

I just looked at him "Then why did you?"

He sighed "My ego couldn't handle that my girlfriend got called to the main roster before me."

I shook my head "You broke my heart telling me you didn't want to doesn't change how much that hurt..3 years Jon you threw away 3 years."

Dean nodded "I know I fucked it wasn't a cake walk for me either..I was fucking miserable I lost the best thing to ever happen to me for what my own damn ego."

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration "That's not my fault...I was determined to make it work even it meant flying out at 5 am just to make it home..for you...but you didn't give us a chance to try."

Vince walked up "Is there a problem here?"

I shook my head "No sir..just catching up."

He smiled "So you two know each other?"

I looked at Dean and for the first time I looked in his eyes...I saw it the regret the hurt...I saw the guy I fell in love with 4 years ago. "Yeah you can say that."

Vince nodded "Carry on."

Dean looked at me "I'm are the only person I would ever say that to...I don't regret anything in my life but letting you go I do...God Morgan I love you I never stopped."

I sighed deeply "Prove it."

He raised an eyebrow "What?"

I sighed "Prove to me that I'm not making some huge ass mistake here...I don't want you to feed me what I want to here...we're not 22 and 23 any more.."

Dean looked at me "What are you saying?"

I stepped to him "3 years is too long to just let it go....don't make me regret this Jon....yes you hurt me but it doesn't erase how much I loved much I still do."

His hand came to rest on my cheek "I never wanted to hurt you Morg."

I nodded "You make your debut in a few weeks...I'll give you till then to prove to me this isn't a mistake..."

Dean leaned down and pressed a light kiss to my cheek "I will."

I bit my lip slightly "I gotta go."

He nodded "You still have my number?"

I nodded "Yeah..."

Dean smiled "Just send me your number then."

I nodded "I will."

He smiled "Okay."

I nodded and walked off there was no hiding this smile on my face...I'd deal with Dad later.

*Dean's pov*

I stood watching her walking away...I never thought I'd get this chance again to tell her I was sorry...and now I have and she was willing to try again with me..I was brought out of my thoughts when Colby walked up "Hey."

Seth looked at me "You do realize who that was right...Morgan Levesque...that's Paul Levesque aka Triple H's daughter..the WWE's princess."

I shook my head "She's nothing like that trust me..she slummed it in the Indys just the same as we did..."

He raised an eyebrow "How would you know.?"

I looked at him "I dated her for 3 years."

Seth's eyes widened "How only shit you dated Morgan Levesque....Morgana...that's the chick you told us about?"

I nodded "We met in CZW..we started dating..we broke up last winter.."

He nodded "So what was that then..rekindling that old flame?"

I nodded "Yeah.."

Seth laughed "Holy shit..Jon is dating a Diva."

I laughed "Yeah."

He nodded "Good luck man."

When the taping began I sat back watching Morgan in the ring with the NXT girls...the attitude she has in the ring is what drew me to her...she wasn't trying to impress anyone...when the taping was over I found Morgan with Nikki..."Hey can we talk?"

Morgan nodded "Sure...Nikki I'll be out in a minute."

Nikki nodded and walked off

She looked at me sitting her bag down "So what is so important you're keeping me from some damn good pizza?"

I laughed "I was actually going to see if you wanted to see if you wanted to get some food.."

Morgan smiled "How about tomorrow?"

I nodded "Great..."

She dug in her bag and pulled out a card "I don't know why I have this but I'm in room 6014."

I nodded "I'll see you tomorrow then."

Morgan took my hand and wrote something on it "I think you've earned the right to have that again."

I looked at my hand as she walked off..and there in pen was her number I quickly put it in my phone and left myself

Author's Note

New story!!!!!!

Wonder how Paul will react when he finds out Morgan and Jon are seeing each other again?

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