Chapter 2: Introductions

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Hoseok wakes up on something comfortable even though he's hurting all over.

Someone is touching him.

His eyes snap open and he tries to get away. He is met with a gentle but firm touch.

"Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you," says the soothing voice.

Hoseok breathes and focuses on the face of the man before him. He appears to be older, black hair and large shoulders, perfect eyes, perfect nose, perfect mouth. Hoseok doesn't think he's ever seen anyone so handsome.

"Where am I?" he asks, his voice hoarse.

He realizes he's dying of thirst when a glass is brought to his lips. He drinks greedily, failing not to spill some all over himself.

"Slowly," the man says.

When he's done drinking, Hoseok looks around. The room is a classic modern room with expensive furniture and large glass windows. He repeats his question.

"You're in BH's house."

BH? Why does that name ring a bell?

And suddenly his memories come crashing down.

He thrashes and tries to get the man away, but he holds him down steadily. As a dancer, Hoseok is quite strong so he's surprised when he can't free himself from his grasp. He must be weaker than he thought.

"I'm not here to hurt you," the other man says. "I'm here to treat your wounds. Stop gesticulating."

Again, the voice is nice but firm.

Hoseok doesn't know why but he stops moving. It's useless anyway.

He takes more time to detail the man. Beside his incredibly handsome face and simple clothing (a white shirt rolled up to his forearms and grey trousers), he's barefoot and barefaced. His hands are gentle as he presses a compress to Hoseok's forehead.

"How did I end up here?"

"You were brought in by Chul. One of BH's men."


"Last night."

Hoseok looks out the window. Judging by the sun shining outside, it must be late morning hours.

"I couldn't attend to you before, I'm sorry. I wasn't notified before early this morning. BH said to take care of you first. I'm Jin."

He says it all with such gentleness, Hoseok is caught off guard. He is actually apologizing and smiling softly. Going as far as introducing himself.

"Jung Hoseok," he answers, deciding on trusting this man.

"You shouldn't give your real name," says a different voice, much lower.

Hoseok turns to look at the door. The man from yesterday, August, is standing there, leaning against the wall. He doesn't know how long he's been present, but it unsettles him to know he's been watching. He's changed his t-shirt, now dark grey, but still wears the same ripped black jeans and combat boots. The parka is gone and now Hoseok can see lean muscles and fair skin. The only traces of color are darker marks on his arms Hoseok guesses to be scars.

"What am I supposed to say, then?" He answers carefully.

He still remembers the look of contempt the man had thrown his away the day before.

August shrugs, looking bored. "How should I know? Something else."

The man besides Hoseok, Jin, rolls his eyes. "What he means is people don't usually give their real names in this business. They make up aliases,"

August D {Sope/Yoonseok}Where stories live. Discover now