Chapter 21: I know.

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Next chapter is the epilogue, which will be long and detailed, kind of like a chapter, so don't worry.

I'm shutting up now my darlings <3

Different by Woodz (<3)
Feel by Black Atlass & Rex Kudo (you'll know when to play this one, trust me)
Wanna be missed by Hayley Kiyoko (must include lesbian jesus in there, u know)


"Look, you probably don't want to hear about this right now, but I have to mention it."

Namjoon watches August, leaning against the door of his hotel room like some sort of guard dog. He refused to leave J-Hope alone, even for a few minutes. So, they're doing this in the corridor. Ridiculous, really, but Namjoon thinks he understands.

"You killed a detective. In J-Hope's apartment. The police are going to be searching for him too now."

August frowns, pulling the cigarette out to let out a long puff of smoke. "That Senior Inspector, the woman, she knows about Kang being dirty."

Namjoon shakes his head, "She might know, but she doesn't have any evidence."

"She has the monthly payments," August answers, dragging on the cigarette in an obvious attempt to relax.

Namjoon knows he's not doing anything for the other man's nerves.

"Which will require a warrant to look into. BH will have taken care of those records by then,"

He doesn't particularly appreciate being out of his room in the middle of the night, whispering suspiciously in an empty corridor. He could use some sleep. A shower. Seokjin. Anything but this.

Still, he feels like he has to do this because no one else will. Someone has to keep a cold head. Think things through.

"We need to find that asshole and kill him," August grumbles, crossing his arms. The hand that grips his bicep stares angrily at Namjoon, stitches red and gripping the skin tight. He winces.

"Neither one of us is in any condition to do that right now. I mean, look at you..."

He designates the torn knuckles, flesh bare after hitting bone so many times, the fresh bandages, the overall circles under his eyes. August brushes said knuckles against his lips. "Fuck you."

Namjoon rolls his eyes, "Don't be a child. You..."

His phone starts ringing just then, startling them both. Namjoon picks up the burner, recognizing the number.

"One of my informants," He tells August. "They're using the emergency number."

"Well," August motions towards the phone, "Pick up."

Namjoon does.


"Turn on your TV," is all the voice says before it hangs up.

Namjoon stares at it in wonder, just as August opens the room, barely waiting for the hacker to follow him.

J-Hope stirs in his sleep, blinking rapidly and looking up to see them both. "What's going on?"

August doesn't answer, simply puts on the news channel.

The three of them stare at the screen, unable to utter a word.

In bold, black letters is written an impossible statement.


August D {Sope/Yoonseok}Where stories live. Discover now