Chapter 10: J-17

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I hope you like this one ;) enjoy!


Anna Blackburn is reviewing the guest list for the gala, pen tapping against the table regularly, lips pinched.

"August, come here for a minute."

Suga makes his way to Anna's side. She shows him an extensive list, name after name.

"This is the gala's guest list," she says, pushing the list to his side. "I'm thinking, extensive private security, fifty maybe?"

Suga leans in, goes through the list, noticing J-Hope and Jungkook's names at the bottom. They have no contact information beside J-Hope's phone number. "How many guests in total?" he asks.

He doesn't let anything transpire, putting on his most professional show. In reality, he's slightly frightened. Fifty guards is a lot to handle for a group of seven people like theirs. He won't suffice on his own.

"Seventy-three guests," Anna answers, fingers playing with her earrings. She is clearly bothered by the number. Suga nods. "Did your husband agree on this amount of private security?"

"No," answers a different voice. Edward Blackburn walks in, checking his phone, then his wife. "Her husband did not agree on this amount. He said half."

"Half is just not reasonable, darling," Anna opposes. She shifts on her seat, uncrossing her legs to face him.

"Fifty is not reasonable. Our guests are not criminals, Anna. We already have all the security measures we could ever need in place. I'm not adding an army to watch the property."

The shift happens very discreetly. Anna – secret service, switches to Anna – wife. That is how Suga has come to name the two personalities. Her back straightens, her hair is pushed out of her face and her smile leaves her lips. Her hands fold neatly, in a way she must have been taught. Everything is calm, composed. She is out of reach.

"You are right, of course. I'm sorry. Mr. Bay, contact the agency. Let them know we'll have twenty-five men watch the house."

Edward smiles tenderly, something sad and regretful in his expression. "Make that thirty, Bay."

Suga nods, leaves in a hurry. Thirty is such a high number. What is he going to do with all those operatives? He'll have to watch them in addition to the group. It will be an absolute nightmare.

Still, he makes the call, to the real agency this time.

Once Blackburn has kissed his wife goodbye, he exits the house, summoning Suga and Patrick to follow him.

Patrick – who Suga would very much like to strangle – is this perfect, silent, always on time, bodyguard. He never shows up with a bruise, contrary to Suga. His suits are neat, stainless, his shirts impeccable. He's been working for Edward for five years, and the man trusts him more than his own son. Fitting position for an ex-soldier.

Suga hates everyone and everything that comes out of the army.

His father's image flashes before his eyes. Uniform, gloves, clean shaved, not a single hair out of place. His mother, kissing him with a smile while his sister tugs at her dress, demanding her attention. The pretty picture is quickly replaced by a different scene. Screams, a dirty couch, liquor, and a man, threatening his mother.

Suga shakes himself awake, opening the door for Blackburn. They climb in the same car, Suga at the front and Patrick at the back.

"Where to, sir?" the chauffeur asks. "Covent Garden."

August D {Sope/Yoonseok}Where stories live. Discover now