Chapter 16: Run

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I promised some rock and roll. I hope I've delivered ;)


"So, we're going to talk about this or we're just going to ignore each other like children?"

Seokjin takes a seat on the armrest of the couch RM is leaning against. He straightens and circles said couch, putting down the file he is holding to start typing on his computer.

"I am not ignoring you," RM answers without looking at him.

Seokjin scoffs. "Sure. Sleeping on the floor, avoiding me, that's all part of you not ignoring me, right?"

"Right," RM takes a quick look at the file and begins typing again. "I have to finish this so, if you could just leave me alone."

"Okay," Seokjin nods. "You want me to go at this the hard way..."

He slams down the book he's been distracting himself with on the living room table, making RM jump and close his eyes.

He looks like hell, expected result of having been sleeping on the floor and working non-stop since this morning. It is now four in the afternoon. Jimin and J-Hope have gone out to get some air, Suga to get some supplies – whatever that means – and V hasn't left his bed.

It has been more than awkward for Seokjin, roaming around the apartment without aim, RM pretending he doesn't exist. He is sick of it.

"I'm sorry for what I said," he starts. "But it was hardly offensive, and you're making a big deal out of it."

RM turns to him, looking up into his eyes. "I don't have time for this."

"RM, seriously?!" Seokjin cannot believe he is dealing with someone so immature.

"Yes, Jin, seriously," he gets back to his screen, answering as he is typing. "We have a week to figure this out and I'm barely getting started. Our little quarrel is irrelevant."

"Like HELL it is!" Seokjin takes a few steps to lean against an armchair. His hands squeeze the fabric, the same way his chest tightens at the thought of RM not speaking to him.

Maybe he did mess up their relationship. RM wasn't entirely wrong about Seokjin using him to finally move on. But it evolved into something different, something better.

Something, for once, he actually cares about.

He tells him as much, words weighting heavily in the semi silence. RM stops typing, closing his hands into fists then reopening them.

"Please," his begs. His dark eyes settle on him. "Let's talk about it when this is all over."

"One thing I've learned," Seokjin answers. "Is that it's never over."

There is always something happening, some problem that seems more urgent. People forget to live, easily drowning in an ocean of situations that makes them forget the most important things.

RM does not realize that time is merely an excuse. If he really wanted, he could stop time and see what is in front of his eyes. He could enjoy, even for a few minutes, his life.

But RM's life is a mission. Every second of every day revolves around getting to the next step. He eliminates whatever prevents him from getting to his destination.

Seokjin will leave him be. There is no point in talking to someone who cannot hear him, who will not hear him.

He wields, preparing to return to his book when V's door opens.

Jungkook steps out, bowing his head in apology. Seokjin watches him silently.

Another situation to drown in. Another distraction.

August D {Sope/Yoonseok}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon