Chapter 11: J-16

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Hello everyone! I don't think you guys are quite ready for this one. Hold on to your wigs ;)


Suga makes his way to his car, thoughts and ideas mixing up in his head. The day has been long, and he feels a certain weariness, a fatigue that only a strong accumulation of lies can do to a mind.

His head might be dull, but his senses are not. There's a man, standing by his car, head bowed, and hands pushed in his pockets. He seems to be waiting, silently, eyes closed, body relaxed. It takes him a surprisingly long time to recognize J-Hope.

"What are you doing here?"

He opens his eyes and looks up, pupils blown wide by exhaustion and boredom. Suga wonders exactly how long he's been waiting.

"I didn't feel like going back to the apartment," J-Hope says, shrugging, "And I didn't know where to go."

Suga frowns, "So, you just decided to hang out in a parking lot?"

J-Hope rolls his eyes. "I did go see a bit of the city before I came to wait here. I'm patient, but not that patient."

"Patient, you?"

"Shut up," he straightens, walking to the passenger side of the car. Suga just stands there, looking at him in confusion. "What exactly are you expecting?"

"A drink," J-Hope answers without hesitation. "A much needed drink. And I know you go to bars every night so..."

Suga doesn't understand, to say the least. He just watches J-Hope, brows drawn. His clothes are more casual than usual, and he seems a lot more relaxed. They were arguing earlier today. It just doesn't make sense for him to be here, waiting for him.

"You know how late it is?" Suga shows him his watch, to make a point. The clock is striking one o'clock. J-Hope huffs. "Like it's going to stop you."

They stare at each other in challenge, and finally, Suga wields. He doesn't know why. It just feels... right. One too many nights spent alone, perhaps. Or the pleasant change in atmosphere between the two of them.

"Fine, but I pick the place."

J-Hope taps against the hull of the car impatiently, "As long as there is no Blackburn, or BH, or anything of the sort, I couldn't care less."

Suga cocks a brow but says nothing more. He moves to open the car and J-Hope climbs inside while he changes his shoes and shirt. He doesn't want to ruin yet another suit.

V's leather jacket and his comfortable army boots on, he settles inside, starting the engine in a purr. They pull out to roam around London, to a random pub Suga feels like going to.

"So?" he asks as they pull up. Neither one of them has uttered a word.

"So?" J-Hope repeats with a tilt of his head.

"What's up?"

He shakes his head. "Oh, no. No talking tonight. Just... beer."

"Fine by me," Finally something they can agree on.

The bar isn't full, but it is still pretty lively. Suga comes to order a whiskey while J-Hope settles for a pint. Suga leads them outside, to a quiet table. People are chatting, little candles casting shadows onto their faces, adding to the mysterious aura of the settings. They hear laughs from inside and the far away sound of a motorcycle.

As Suga lights up a smoke, J-Hope drinking quietly beside him, he feels compelled to ask. "Tell me, where're you from?"

J-Hope pulls back, surprised. "Excuse me but, did you just ask me a question?"

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