Chapter 18: And then there was one.

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Guyssssssssssss. THE chapter. The one I've been waiting to write since the beginning. (my precious, honestly)

Let me know if i went overboard or if you like it <3 enjoy my darlings!

(Song recommendation cuz why the fuck not ;) Give it All Up by Angger Dimas & Nervo)


Hoseok wakes grudgingly. He frowns, reaches out. The sheets are still warm with the heat of another body. He groans and slides closer, until his head is buried there.

"Yoongi," he mumbles, groaning again and shifting to grab at the man he expects to be here.

His fingers find nothing but air.

He jolts upwards, opening wide eyes to look around. The room is still plunged in darkness. There is no other sound but the sound of his breathing, no other movements.

"Yoongi?" he asks to the empty space, but no answer comes.

Pulling himself up, he rubs his eyes and tries to clear his head. The last thing he remembers is falling asleep. He's fairly sure Yoongi stayed next to him then. Where would he be now?

A part of his mind, however ridiculous, laughs at him in contempt. He's gone. He left you the first chance he had. Why would he stay with you?

Hoseok shakes his head, physically blocking the thoughts. They still make their way to his ears, whispering treacherously. He found out what you did. And he's never coming back.

His heart rate picks up, and his hands begin to shake. He said he would stay. He promised never to leave him again. He wouldn't break his promise...

But what if he does know. What if...

He jumps on his phone, opening it frantically to check the short string of messages. Nothing has been touched. However, there's no way to know if Yoongi has read them. The burner, an old thing, doesn't even have a password to it. If Yoongi really wanted, he could have just picked it up and checked.

He panics then, snapping the phone close and throwing the covers off himself. His hands push him up, his feet to the middle of the room. His hands grab fistfuls of his hair.

He wouldn't just leave. He wouldn't. Not after last night. Not right after Hoseok gave him everything, opened up completely.

What if that was what had driven him away? What if he'd said too much?

He replays the scene in his head, the slow roll of their hips together and the fingers interlacing against the sheets. What did he say? What did he do?

His mind suddenly looses all its grasp on reality. His heart, kicking so hard it hurts his chest, shortens his breath.

Deep down, he knows if Yoongi has left to take care of BH on his own, it's for the best. He knows he has no place there, no place in his life. The blond doesn't need him to get involved. It's possible he has already disposed of BH and gone back to his life. So Hoseok can get back to his.

The absolute despair that washes over him is slightly frightening. Slightly. When has he become so dependent on a man he barely knows? He's never been one for romance or feelings. His hookups were always without tomorrows, his relationships short and pointless. The sex was good, and as long as it was, Hoseok stayed. But that was it.

This time is different. Yoongi is literally sending his heart into overdrive when he is gone, when he is close, even when he is in the goddamn room with him. Hoseok has had to fight countless jabs of furious jealousy, something he is not used to. Now more than ever, last night still vivid in his mind, has Hoseok literally aching for the reassurance that it isn't going to happen again.

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