Chapter 15: Senseless beings

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Namjoon watches Jin come back inside. He settles in one of the disparate armchairs and nods in his direction.

"Wouldn't BH just have to get our fingerprints like we did with Richard?" V asks, breaking the chaotic chatter. Every eye turns to him. "He doesn't need us alive if he can replicate them."

Smart kid.

Namjoon smiles, allowing his small triumph to show, in a way he usually wouldn't. "That's why we're not going to use our fingerprints for the DNA scan."

"Then what?" Jimin frowns.

"Retinal scan," Namjoon answers. "You can't replicate a retinal scan."

Jimin nods approvingly and V falls silent, eyes sliding to the door. Namjoon can see how much Jungkook's absence is distracting him.

"What about the police chief?" August swirls the liquid in his glass, eyes following the movement, "How do we know he isn't dirty?"

Namjoon hadn't thought of that. For all they know, BH could have bought him and the rest of the officers in Seoul. "I was counting on the fact that he isn't based in Seoul," he admits.

"The top of the food chain," August confirms, "Doesn't mean BH couldn't have gotten to him."

"Then who do we target?" Jin turns his head towards August, raising a brow. August shrugs and drinks a sip, J-Hope watching him uncomfortably. He is not fond of the idea, and Namjoon understands why. The email isn't a deal with the police. It won't guarantee immunity. It will just put pressure on BH, hopefully enough for him to leave them alone. Should BH decide to take the chance, they would all end up in prison.

"What about the press?" Jimin asks, very seriously.

"The press?!" J-Hope contradicts. "You can't be serious."

"Why not?" Jimin relaxes into the couch, crossing his legs. "Someone is bound to publish it. They can't all work for BH."

"It might not be a bad idea," Jin approves.

"The police won't be able to use our confessions if they leak to the press," Namjoon regretfully says. Jimin is right, but he doubts anything would be admissible as evidence if they publish their testimonies directly.

"What if you do both?" Jin asks. "Send it to the police and the press? All they would need is a warrant to prove BH is smuggling guns and drugs."

"Probable cause," Namjoon stares at Jin, impressed. That man is full of resources. "That would probably work."

They watch each other with a smile. There's the thrill of danger, of intelligence, of a plan. The feeling they both sought out with BH, they find again, here, and for a good cause this time.

They're more alike than Namjoon ever thought they were.

"What'd you do with the trackers?" August interrupts their moment of communion for practical thinking. Namjoon rolls his eyes, leaning against the couch. "Relax. I deactivated all of them the moment you warned us."

He shows the man his forearm, hidden under a long-sleeved shirt. August applauds silently.

As Jimin starts yawning, Jin takes the lead. "We should all get some sleep. It's been a long day. We'll work out the details tomorrow."

No one objects. They're all tired. The night was long, and although the first part of their plan went well, the second part will prove a lot more difficult. Much more tiring.

They retreat, one by one. Namjoon watches Jin put a hand on V's shoulder and shake his head. The kid's own shoulders sag, but he goes to his room without further discussion.

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