Chapter 20: To bleed

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Longest chapter ever... Forgive me, i'm getting carried away.
We have only a few chapters left. I'm so sad. I promise i'll spare you guys' souls. Only fluff and smut. Good vibes for my darlings <3
There's money mentionned in here and let's pretend it's dollars cuz i don't know how to convert for shit (and the numbers would be so confusing... sorry)
Anyways i hope you enjoy <3

songs are:
-Best of me by John.K (in honor of GCF)
-I miss you by Adele


Seokjin stares at the mirror in silence.

The patch around his eye has been removed and now he can see the scar, running across his left brow, descending onto his eye to cross in a straight diagonal, stopping just on the bridge of his nose. The green of his eye is split, the once dark pupil having dissolved into a mix of white and lighter, disparate shades of green. Overall, the surgeons have managed to save the skin around, even if BH's ring has left another prominent scar along his jawline.

He doesn't really say anything. He doesn't know what to say. It doesn't hurt anymore, more or like itches. His knowledge tells him it's a sign it is healing properly. The damage is minimal, considering.

Still, the disturbing absence of vision unsettles him a little.

His surgeon offered him a spot into a rehabilitation program, to learn to move again, get used to the new emptiness on his left. But Seokjin refused. He doesn't want rehabilitation. No more time wasted on BH.

His ribs are the most painful. The bruises are less terrifying, purple dissolving into an ugly shade of yellow, the same colors painting the skin around his previously dislocated shoulder. He stares at them, sliding a white shirt over them with a wince.

He fastens the cuffs around his wrists, leaving the buttons on his chest open for now. His eyes – no, eye – is on the patch lying on the table beside him. It is black, tied by two strings supposed to go around his head. Seokjin stares at it, then takes it and throws it over his shoulder.

No patch.

People can stare at him all they want, he doesn't care.

The door opens behind him and his eye slides to look up over his shoulder in the mirror. RM is standing there, watching him in surprise.

"You're awake," he says, "and standing."

Seokjin turns around to face him directly, "So it seems."

RM takes a moment to nod before his eyes slide to the other bed in the room. Empty.

"Where's Jimin?" he asks.

"With Jungkook and V," he answers.

He moves to the rest of the buttons on his shirt, blocking the sight of his chest.

"Have you talked to them?" RM says as he comes closer.

"I did. Jungkook explained the situation."

"Did he tell you he cut off his father's hand?" RM remarks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"He did," Seokjin details him, from the dusty pink hair to the blue t-shirt, a beautiful contrast to his golden skin. His pair of jeans hangs low on his hips, and the doctor cannot help but let his eye stay there for a minute.

"Retribution," he finally asserts, bringing his eye to look back at the other man. RM uncrosses his arms and steps towards him. "You shouldn't be out of bed, Jin."

"Seok," RM frowns and he smiles, "Seokjin."

The other man blinks a few times. "Seokjin," he repeats, correcting himself. It takes a second for him to come to a decision and bury serious eyes into his. "Namjoon."

August D {Sope/Yoonseok}Where stories live. Discover now