Chapter 4: J-27

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The alarm rings, and Jimin wakes up quickly. He takes a shower, picks his clothes, does his hair, his make-up. He puts on his favorite earrings and necklaces before quietly slipping into the living-room for breakfast.

He's surprised to find August there, lying on the couch with his legs poking out of the covers and his arm lying carelessly over his eyes.

Jimin details him. He would be an attractive man if he wasn't so stuck on looking tough and unattainable at all times.

The door suddenly opens on a grinning V. He waves at him and comes to settle on a stool beside him. A quick assessment tells Jimin all he wants to know. "Walk of shame?" he asks.

V has a Machiavellian little smile. "Nothing shameful about it. Just having some fun while we're in London. Never been before, might as well enjoy it."

He nods and checks his watch. He has to go, or he is going to be late.

"I'm off to break some hearts myself," he tells V, who chuckles. "See you later."

He's out the door in a flash, but not before he's pulled on his favorite coat, black and long, fitting the shapes of his body perfectly.

If you're going to war, might as well come properly armed.


Jungkook stumbles out of his room, still in his pajamas, hair all over the place and eyes half closed. He blindly reaches for the coffee pot and is pleasantly surprised when he finds it already filled and still warm.

"Rough night?"

He whirls around, taken aback. V is sat at the bar, smile on and a mug between his hands. He's wearing the same clothes as yesterday and something tells Jungkook he's just arrived.

"You were out?!" he doesn't mean to sound so surprised, but the man has avoided all the barriers put in place by his father's men.

"Husssssssh," he pulls a finger over his lips. "The walls have ears."

The apartment is bugged, of course, but that's not what V is telling him. He's telling him to keep this a secret between them. He trusts him not to report him.

Jungkook finds himself wanting to. It's not that big of a deal, right? Besides, V is the kind who definitely needs the money. He won't run away. He has to see this through.

He nods then, a little embarrassed. Clearly V has been out and about. He wonders what that feels like.

"So," V starts again. "Rough night?"

Jungkook turns with a fuming mug and hesitates. He decides to come sit by his side. "A little. I'm always nervous before a job."

He's never told this to anyone besides Jin, and suddenly, it seems like a really bad idea. He's not supposed to show any emotion. He's supposed to keep up the front of an unbreakable son.

But V nods. He pulls on his bandanna and releases his hair, falling over his forehead elegantly. "I understand. I used to get really nervous before going to work in the morning."

Jungkook sips on his drink and watches V purse his lips, examining his nails. "How did you get out of it?" he asks.

He looks at him, and Jungkook is hit once again by the force of his eyes. They are this deep Azul blue, with absolutely no flaws to them, shadowed by long, black lashes. His face looks like it's been sculpted by the Greeks. Le Bernin couldn't have done a better job.

Jungkook pictures him wearing a suit and the proper haircut and he realizes how much of the man's potential is lost on his pitiful job.

"You're asking for my ultimate secret weapon," V says, and his eyes gleam mischievously. He leans in then and Jungkook jumps backwards. V's eyes go wide, and he laughs. "Come on," he motions forward. "I don't bite."

August D {Sope/Yoonseok}Where stories live. Discover now