Chapter 7: J-22

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My favorite chapter so far! Hope you guys enjoy ;)


Jimin checks his phone for perhaps the twentieth time this afternoon. His answer to Richard the day before Would have loved to but can't. Got to study. has not yet been graced with a reply. The man has either taken his refusal for a sign that he isn't going to get anywhere with Jimin, or he's just decided to go out, forgetting all about him. Either way, it isn't good for him.

He needs Richard to invite him to the big party. It's his ticket in, and he's supposed to play his part.

"How do I look?"

Jimin's eyes move past his phone to assess J-Hope's outfit.

The man looks absolutely stunning. He's picked his own clothes this time, a red shirt matching a long leather jacket and tailored trousers. His hair is a studied mess, curling on his forehead artistically, revealing just the perfect amount of brows and forehead. His makeup is smokier than last time, making his dark eyes stand out.

Jimin whistles and J-Hope does a little nervous twirl. "Yeah?"

"Definitely," the smaller nods enthusiastically. He grins, momentarily forgetting all about his troubles. "Blackburn is gonna wish he'd married you instead of Anna."

J-Hope laughs, and the tension seems to leave his body. He strolls past him to reach the living room, Jimin watching his elegant demeanor with a pang of envy. He wishes he had those legs, or was in the general vicinity of that height.

They wait for Jungkook patiently, Jimin's fingers drumming over his phone at regular intervals. J-Hope notices and his eyes smile, crinkling at the side adorably. "It's fine, Chim. You're just playing hard to get."

Jimin tilts his head. Of course, he's playing hard to get. That's not the problem. The problem is that he thought Richard would bite easily and he just isn't.

Jungkook finally appears, and his entrance is worthy of a prince's.

He's wearing a simple shirt, but the fabric clings to his chest lovingly, leaving very little to imagination. Combined with the fitted trousers and the sparkling jacket, the man looks an indecent amount of handsome.

Jimin wines. "I hate you all. I wish I could pull off a shirt like you two do."

J-Hope grunts next to him. "Stop fishing for compliments. You know damn well how good you look in a shirt."

Jimin smiles his little smirk and he puts his phone down to meet Jungkook halfway across the room. He takes the glasses off his hands and pushes them up his nose. "Better," he smiles, which makes Jungkook blush lightly.

Now, the two of them look every bit the power couple they're pretending to be. Namjoon equips them both with a set of earpieces. "Remember," he reminds them seriously. "Your ultimate goal is to see the jewels. It's the whole point of this evening. You're not here to enjoy yourselves. You have a job to do."

Behind him, Jin rolls his eyes. "What he means is, have fun, but don't lose sight of the endgame."

They both nod, watching each other. Their personalities are the furthest apart in the whole group, Jimin would say, but they make a terrific team. It was a genius move on Namjoon's part to pair them together.

It's not the sole reason, Jimin figured that out. Namjoon was only trying to involve Jungkook a little further into the heist. Show his face to Blackburn, so that in the eventuality of all of them getting in trouble, BH would have no choice but to pull them all out to save his son. It was a calculated risk, but Namjoon never did anything short of calculated. He planned every step, like the oiled coil of a ticking clock.

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