Chapter 19: You betrayed me

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Everything is explained into this chapter, do not worry. You'll understand ALL of it.

Quick thing, i'll leave a song suggestion for every chapter now cuz i usually write with music and stick to the general vibe of the songs.
This chapter: Dance to this by Troye Sivan & Ariana Grande (queensssss)

Love you all, thank you for the amazing support and sorry again for scaring you <3


Taehyung opens his eyes to the sound of monitors beeping. He takes a deep breath, air surging into his lungs. He coughs with the sudden burn, mouth dry. There's a sort of numbness clouding his mind, like he's on his own personal cloud.

His memory surges back in bribes. The motorcycle, BH, the bullet, Jungkook...


He looks around, and surely, sleeping on a chair nearby, head bowed over his chest, hair falling into his eyes, is Jungkook.

He looks... tired. Circles under his eyes, chalky skin. He has changed to a shirt too big for him and blue jeans. Taehyung smiles, enjoying the view.

He shifts to pull himself upright and immediately winces. A quick look at his left shoulder tells him he's not yet fully healed. Far from it, actually.

He still manages to sit down, drinking a few gulps of water before he clears his throat.

He doesn't want to wake Jungkook up. The man looks like he has barely slept in those last few... hours? Days? No way to tell. He doesn't even know what happened. He should ask him. Besides, he's pretty sure Jungkook would rather know he's fine now.

"Kook?" his voice croaks with disuse, "Kookie?" he calls a little bit louder.

Jungkook shifts on his seat, his eyes fluttering open. He looks up to him, then the ground, then up to him again in a snap.

He bolts out of his seat, rushing to him, practically tripping over himself. "Tae? You're awake?"

Taehyung laughs, but immediately stops as his shoulder starts to hurt. "I think. How long was I out?"

Jungkook sits down on the bed next to him, taking his hand in his delicately. Now that he's closer, Taehyung can see he's worse than he thought.

"Not too long. The ambulance took you to the hospital directly, and you went through surgery. They removed the bullet and said there wasn't any damage to your shoulder. You just lost a lot of blood."

Taehyung nods, then frowns, "Who called the ambulance?"

"J-Hope," Jungkook answers in a dark voice. "He saved a lot of lives."

Taehyung nods again. He'd have to thank the dancer. He imagines that brought a lot of complications, but he doesn't want to think about them now.

He focuses back on Jungkook, the younger watching him like he isn't real. His fingers squeeze his like he's going to disappear any second.

"Hey," Taehyung tries, "We got him, right?"

Jungkook grimaces, shakes his head. "I don't care about him. Tae, I was so scared..."

He knows. He was too. The moment BH had said he would kill his son, Taehyung's blood had run cold and he'd acted on instinct. He's glad he did, even if he got hurt.

"It's all right," he reassures the younger. "I'm fine now."

"You nearly died," Jungkook retorts. He brings a hand to cup his cheek, and Taehyung nuzzles into the touch, kissing his palm.

August D {Sope/Yoonseok}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang