Chapter 14: Come back. For me.

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So, hum... an interesting chapter...
Let me know if i you guys like it.


Jimin yanks the earpiece off and opens the window to throw it out of the car. His heart is beating erratically in his chest with fear.

Anna Blackburn. Anna Blackburn is the one who got them in trouble.

"What's wrong?" Richard asks, frowning. He slows down, pulling to a stop at a red light.

Jimin turns to him. He examines his features carefully.

Did Richard betray them? Did he tell his mother?

"Jimin? What is it?"

No, he couldn't have. He trusts him. He wouldn't do this to him.

"Your mother just attacked August. She knows, or at least she thinks she knows, we stole the jewels."

Richard opens his eyes wide. His mind runs through all the possible scenarios, the same way Jimin's did moments before.

"I didn't tell her. I swear," he says. His hand is moving from the gear lever, hesitating to take his. Jimin stays put.

It's not that he doesn't want to. It's that what comes next will be difficult for Richard.

Because if Anna attacked August, there's no way to know she's still alive.

"I know," Jimin reassures him. "But Richard... Your mother. I'm not sure what state she's in right now."

Richard frowns. A car starts to honk behind them, but he doesn't move.

"The man your mother went after," Jimin starts to explain, watching the other car pass them by, the driver flipping them the bird. "He's dangerous."

Richard grips the steering wheel, knuckles blanching with the thought. "Jimin... That's not... You can't ask me..."

"I know, I know," Jimin interrupts him. He sees Richard's conflict. To run to his mother or to take him to a safe place.

He never wanted to come between Richard and his family. He's never had one of his own. The team is as close as family comes to him.

He doesn't want to take that from Richard. "You should go to her. I'll join the others."

Richard turns to him, eyes worried and brows furrowed. He doesn't know what to do.

Jimin leans in, fingers coming to cup Richard's jaw. He smiles softly, "Don't worry about me. I'll manage, I'm used to it."

He pulls away and unfastens his seat belt. His hand is on the door when Richard traps his wrist. "Wait, please. I...," Jimin turns to him with a sad smile. Richard winces, punches the steering wheel in anger and despair.

"I wanted to keep you safe. I never wanted you to go back." Jimin doesn't know what to say to that. So, he answers with the only thing he knows is true, that will remain, for as long as Jimin lives.

"I know you don't see it, but I'm there. Always."


"I'll be safe where I'm going. They're family. They'll protect me," he opens the door, putting an end to this.

If he stays any longer, he will change his mind.

He looks at Richard, details his features, memorizes them. He'll never forget them.

Richard does something quite unexpected then. He grabs his arm and pulls him inside, crashing his lips against his.

It's rushed, passionate, desperate. It's a goodbye kiss, one Jimin should have known they would share, eventually.

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