Chapter 5: J-24

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I absolutely love London, I swear. I apologize in advance for the disrespect XD
Also, if i'm mixing up names (for example, saying V instead of Taehyung when he's supposed to be narrating) I apologize. It's a bloody nightmare to switch back and forth.
Me@me: why do you always put yourself in these kind of situations? *face palms*


"I don't feel so good."

Hoseok stumbles back, hits the wall with a sigh. His hand comes to grip his head and massages his temples in the hopes of expediating his throbbing headache.

"Come on, stop complaining," Jimin tones, voice a little angry. "It's just a small afternoon. It's not gonna get you killed."

He'd rather be killed a thousand times than do this.

He's revised his role down to the last detail with Jimin, played out every scenario, even started considering the possibility of actually playing this afternoon like a game. But the faster the clock ticks, the gloomier he gets. It's like his whole body has decided that, no, he will not do this, he will not prop himself in front of the cameras and play the fool.

Jimin is helping him get ready, picking the proper outfit – even if Hoseok hardly needs any help with that – and applying the finishing touches to his hair and make-up.

It's easier to move since Suga isn't in the room. In fact, it's been two days since he's been anywhere near Hoseok. They had all been surprised when he'd disappeared time after time and BH's men had done nothing to stop him. They must trust the tracking system more than they all thought.

Same goes for V, who is surveilling the Blackburn mansion and probably enjoying the pleasures of London at the same time.

Hoseok focuses back on Jimin as he starts pulling him towards the mirror. He stands beside him and arranges his shirt. He wills him to open his eyes and just take a look.

He's different. His clothes, even if they are essentially the same, are worn by another man. His black jeans have been replaced by impeccable dark leather. His shirt is composed of both black and gold, held over his waist by a belt of impressive size. Jimin has lent him a golden necklace and little rings for his ears. The last thing are his shoes, black polished leather, climbing all the way up to his ankles.

Jimin has painted Hoseok's eyes gold, has darkened his brows and styled his hair for the locks to fall over his face delicately. He took the liberty of cutting some of those locks, setting them in a wilder, sexier manner than Hoseok would usually wear.

"Shit, Jimin... You're really good at this, aren't you?"

Jimin smiles his sly smile and shrugs. He pushes him past the door, to the living room where the others are already waiting.

Hoseok stops dead in his tracks.

Jungkook is seated on the couch, Jin beside him, talking. Jungkook's features are no longer hidden behind heavy locks. His hair is slicked back, and he is wearing discreet eyeliner that brings out the vivid color of his eyes. His jacket is a deep red woolen coat with a high collar framing his face. His shirt is fairly simple in comparison, white, immaculate. From there hangs the glasses they have talked about.

He gets up and smiles a shy smile. Hoseok smiles back. Jungkook has something, an innocence, that is far different from what you would expect from BH's son. He isn't the man he met in that warehouse. He's gentler, sweeter, less in control. And Hoseok is beginning to think this is the real Jungkook, the version BH has worked so hard to hide.

"Ready?" he asks, and Jungkook nods.

He turns to look at Jimin. "Thanks for all this."

Jimin tilts his head with an amused smile. "You're welcome. It was fun." He picks up his own coat and slides a quick hand through his hair, checking himself out in the mirror. "Look, I'm sorry I can't stay longer, but don't you worry. You'll do great, Hope."

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