Why?- Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


Louis POV

She did an evil grin..."Well...let's just say if you don't break up with Joanna I'm going to ruin her career..."

I was shock does she actually think I'll leave Joanna...Joanna is my life i will never ever leave her she mean's the world to me.

"No i will not leave Joanna...you're a b****..." I said walking away.

"Ok then have it you're way..." She said taking out her phone and walking away with a evil grin on her face...she is defiantly up to something.

***2 Days Later***

Joanna POV

I was trying to get home to Louis...i just got back from a meeting with my manager and he said someone was tweet bad stuff about me and it was slowly making my fan decrease. I have know idea what is happening and it's worrying me.

They even making me look bad in the paper's. Like i don't even know what to do anymore.

I was walking fast because it wasn't far from the tour bus. We were stopped now in Toronto and it was flipping freezing here. How do these people do it anyways?

Just then i heard something...something move?

WHAT? ok now i'm scared...

"HELLO WHO GOES THERE?" I yelled out. No reply...ok getting really scared right now...

Just then i heard someone say something very low though..."your worst nightmare..."

OK DO NOT WANT TO FIND OUT THAT PERSON! I just ran but like really fast... I'd rather not get killed from some un-known stranger...I looked back only to see a man running with something shiny...SHIT THAT'S A KNIFE!

I finally reached the tour bus panting and ran inside to find Louis...

"LOUIS!!!!!!" I yelled.

"Ya babe's what the matter?" He said coming out of the kitchen...

"I think someone was gonna try and kill me they were following me and everything....LOUIS I'M SO SCARED!" I said  worried.

"Omg Joanna...are you ok? How do you feel? Omg Joe i'm so happy your ok..." He said pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead.

"Louis.." I said softly crying.

***5 Days Later***

Louis POV

"I'm just happy she is ok..." I said to my mother on the phone. Just then i hung up. Joanna was sleeping on our bed. We were finally driving back to London. We just did our last show last night and everything went perfectly. We were about 2 hours away from London.

Just then i received a text message.

That was just the beginning...H xxx

WHAT who is this? Who is H? What is this 'H' talking about...Wait a second is it Hannah? What is she talking about though.

Then it hit me... Hannah was talking about what happened to Joanna...

***1.5 Hour Later***

"Joanna we need to talk..." I said sadly. I made my decision. I can't let her get hurt. I'll just have to leave.

"Ya sure what about love?" She asked all happily. God she was beautiful.

"I think we need to um...um...um....break up..." I said looking down.

"Are you kidding with me Lou? Or is this serious?" She said with tears starting to form in her eyes as i looked up at her.

"I'm serious..."

"Why?" She said now crying full blown...

"Because..." I said now finally reaching London.

"You're and ASSHOLE LOUIS TOMLINSON!" She said screaming now.

Joanna POV

"NEVER TALK TO ME EVER AGAIN!" I yelled at him. I never want to see him again...How could he? How could he just break up with me and not give me an explanation...

Are bus finally came to a stop and once it did i ran off the bus and ran ...and let me tell you this i ran far. I never want to see any of them again. EVER!


Innooo inno don't kill me...anyways HOPE YOU LIKED IT... i'm sorry it takes me awhile to update it's just i have school and like ya i hate school plus i get side tracked......anyways this is dedicated to my friend Brianna cause well she is kinda new to wattpad and i love her :P so please go read her story's It all started with Starbucks and Stuck in the middle (co written by my friend emi) please do there Jack and Finn stories and there awesome<3

(JACK AND FINN ON THE SIDE---------->>>>>>)



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