Ooooh... I Get What They Did There. That's Funny!

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I am filled with boredom as I clean the sticky, gross menus, sitting in front of the bar. Santana stands in front of me, re-filling the salt. Rachel storms over behind the bar next to Santana.

"That's it. My dreams of playing fanny Brice are over." Rachel complains, slamming her notepad on the counter.

"At least you actually went to the audition." I groan, trying to get a stain out.

"I'm sure it isn't over." Santana says slowly.

"If I got it, I would've heard by now. Ok? And-and-and the thing is, is that I wasn't just auditioning for his for myself."

"Oh, please." I scoff.

"I was auditioning for everyone at McKinley."

"Oh, please!" I scoff louder. Santana gives Rachel a 'are you shitting me' look as well.

"Ok? I wanted to show that we're talented enough to make it in this insane business." Rachel groans.

"Ok, well one of us sort of already did," Santana says hesitantly, smiling awkwardly at us. "I booked a commercial. It's a little embarrassing, because it was for that yeast infection medication. Yeast-I-stat. But they sent me a rough cut. Do you guys want to see?" Santana asks.

"Definitely!" I exclaim. I watch as Rachel smiles, though it looks forced before she says 'yeah'. I lean over the counter as she plays the video.

Santana starts out rolling dough. Then she pulls out the medication. Ooooh... I get what they did there. That's funny! They show a clip of Santana twirling a ribbon and I bite my lip to withhold a laugh. A clip of her on a swing. Then a clip of her giving bagels to friends before she walks up to the camera with them. Also a really nice clip of her making bubbles. There was even a clip of her earring a plain bagel. Just taking a big chomp out of it.

"That. Is really cool. I'm happy for you Santana." I say with a wide smile. She sends it back before turning to Rachel who nods awkwardly.

"Wow. That's... that's great. Honestly, if it were anyone else, I'd be so jealous, but I'm-I'm-I'm... really proud of you." Rachel says, even going so far to touch her hear.

"Thank you. Thank you." Santana says, a large smile on her face before she goes and hugs Rachel. Awe, she looks so happy.

The next day at school, just as I'm about to go home, Rachel links her arm in mine and stars dragging me somewhere.

"Wha-Rachel?! Where are we going?" I ask sternly.

"Carmen cornered me, saying she needed students to help tune the pianos. I accidentally agreed to do it, along with saying you would help." She rushes out.

"What?" I groan. "Why? Why would you do that? I don't even know how to play the piano! I'm gonna mess it up." I whine.

"Well, it's too late. I already agreed and she would know if you didn't go." Rachel shrugs. I whine all the way there.

About a half hour into tuning the pianos, Rachel and I are lazily pressing on keys. She taught me the basics but I was sure Rachel was fixing it right after I finished. My eyes brighten up as soon as I see Kurt looking confused while he walks into the room.

"What's going on in here?" Kurt asked, walking up to our piano.

"Carmen Tibideaux needed volunteers for the annual NYADA piano tuning." Rachel explains.

"And Rachel's proving how much she hates me." I grumble.

"I said I was sorry! It just happened," Rachel said, raising her voice a bit. She turned back to Kurt. "So, did you hear about Santana's good news?" Rachel asked a little too chipper as she stood up.

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