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Izuku POV

Fiddlesticks, I hate myself so much. I knew he would reject me. Like I KNEW as no one loves me or would ever love me. But still diddly doo it hurts. Kacchan was the only person I had left from when I was younger. I just had to open up my achy breaky heart. My dumby dumb feelings have ruined one of the only things I have left.

Why did I even look at him after he said that? No one loves me! My mom doesn't love me, my dad left because of me, Allmight is now ignoring me, god the universe hates me enough not to gift me with a quirk. I didn't need much I only ever just wanted to fit in. God I'm just such a screw up.

I've known the way people look at me. Constantly looking down on me. Even now that I have my quirk, it's like I'll never be good enough in their eyes. I keep trying to prove myself but the anxiety that everyone is judging me, knowing that everyone is judging me just keeps hurting me.

The world has always been suffocating me never giving me enough air to watch me grow. I need air right now. I need to breath. My lungs have started burning with how fast I'm breathing. I need oxygen. Slamming into the stairwell door. I make my ascend up the stairs to the roof. Fiddling with the door to get it open. My sweaty hands slipping off the handle.

Finally light breaks through and a breeze carries through my body. I take a giant inhale hold for 4 second take a big exhale and bold for another 4 seconds. Just focusing on my breathing. In, hold, out and hold. I go to a secluded corner on the roof leaning up against the side. I loll my head back to just watch the clouds pass on by.

That cloud looks like a cloud, that cloud looks like an explosion and another explosion, that cloud looks like Kacchan's explosi- stop I just need to stop thinking about him. I can do that just don't think about his crimson eyes, spiky ash blond hair, his big man titties. Think about cats, yeah cats that's nice.

Think about what a screw up you are

Cats are such nice creatures

So pathetic you've finally lost everything

I wish I was as careless as a cat.

Did you actually think anyone would like you?

meow meow meow

Just take a swan dive off the roof

SHUTUP, just be quiet please, I don't want to, people still care about me.

Nobody cares about you, you chase away everyone, if you were to just throw yourself off the building it might take weeks for someone to notice.

Kacchan would come find me, Aizawa would notice, Mic would care

Bakugo is disgusted by you, Aizawa has to take attendance, Mic has an act to keep up

THEY CARE, the-ey t-told me they c-care.

Lies, so many lies. They're lying to you. Just like how you lie to the world about having a quirk. How you lie everyday to say your happy.

I earned this quirk Kacchan said 'I made it my own' This used to be AllMight's quirk but it's now mine.

It's not he could give that quirk to anyone else. Yet he chose you because he pities you. Pity that's what you are, a pity party.

God I just want my razor, I need to cut, you'll go away if I cut.

I'll go away after you die so you should just end it now.

I clasp my hands over my ears and curl in on myself, squeezing my eyes shut. 'Happy memory just try to find a happy memory.' Searching through my brain I found one of the memories that always makes me happy.

Just stop ( Depressed Midoriya x Bakugo )Where stories live. Discover now