The Girl with Wings

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Hiccup Pov

"But this can't be it. It can't be." I said, letting out a long sigh.

We had scoured the entire archipelago over and over again, looking for new dragons. But of course, fate laughed in our face as it refused to give us the luck. Getting on Toothless, we flew up into the air, heading back to Berk.

"Hiccup!! Hiccup, you won't believe it!!"

"Fishlegs? What is it?" I asked him, an odd sense of panic settling into my stomach.

"A girl!!"

Astrid rolled her eyes.

"Fishlegs, girls turn up everywhere. Who are we talking about? If it's about Ruffnut, then yes, she actually is a girl."

"No!! She has wings!!"

~~~ A little while later ~~~

Walking through the huge crowd that was blocking the front of my house, I found a stunningly beautiful girl sitting casually on the steps. Her silvery snow-white hair moved softly in the breeze, brilliant and rich blood-red coloured eyes filled with boredom.

But what caught my attention the most was her left hand- and the huge, gorgeous pair of white dragon wings sprouting out of her back. Her entire left arm was covered in white scales, ending with five sharp-as-knives fingernails. Her scaly left hand was at least three times the size of her normal right hand, which was completely human.

"You must be Hiccup Haddock. Nice to meet you. My name is Elyria."

"Uh, hello. And how may I help you?" I asked, shaking her tiny human hand.

"I'm not here to ask for your help. As a matter of fact, I'm here to give you my help instead." She said, an innocent smile forming on her pink lips.

"Your help?"

"Yes. I'm here to provide you with information that will lead you to hundreds of different species of dragons. Of course, there's a catch. But compared to the information that you're going to get from me, it's quite a small catch."

Her laugh was melodic. I couldn't quite place it, but I felt as though I had read a description of it somewhere. Where could it have been?

"What's the catch?" Astrid asked, taking over in my brief moment with my thoughts.

"I'll be leading the group with you. I will have as much authority as you in the group. I assume that you know what exactly that means." She said, crossing her arms with a confident smile.

"Hiccup..." Astrid started.

"I'll be giving you a day's time. I'll be waiting here tomorrow at noon. If you don't show up by fifteen minutes past noon, then I'll assume that you guys won't be taking my offer."

Just as I was about to ask her another question, strong gusts of wind blew into my face. Elyria's leathery dragon wings moved with powerful strokes, raising her body into the air.

Soon, she was gone.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~


1.5 pages, 500 words

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