Gustav Alert (2)

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Hiccup Pov

"Of all the idiotic things to do- you stole the Dragon Eye, which Dagur would kill to have- and went to one of the most unstable island that we've ever seen? Alone? As though that wasn't enough, you called Elyria a giant bat and flirted with her!!" I yelled, enraged.

"Hiccup, calm down. I do look like a giant bat when I'm sleeping, and he knows not to ever touch the Dragon Eye again. Don't be so harsh on the kid." El cut in.

"Why are you taking his side?" I complained.

"I'm not taking sides. He treats us like idols, and all he wanted was our approval. What I'm trying to say is that he knows what he did was stupid, and is sorry for it. I get that the Dragon Eye is important to us. He gets that the Dragon Eye is important to us. And that's good enough."

"Last time the twins messed with your clothes, you burned their hut down to the ground and filled their boar pit with dead spiders. Oh, and eels. But this time, you're going to let Gustav go?" I fought back, not liking the fact that she seemed to be a lot more compliant with Gustav compared to the rest of us.

"Let him go? He's already got his punishment."

"What?! When?!"

"If he wants to be a Dragon Rider, then he has to survive a three-minute, one-on-one sparring match with Astrid, get perfect on a thirty-question quiz about dragons and their history made by Fishlegs, then prove that he's responsible by not spending a single coin from a treasure chest full of gold for half a year. He blew his chance this time, so he'll have to come back next time for his next shot."

"Oh. That's actually a good idea."

"Once he, or anyone else, passes, Astrid can train them up to be another group of Dragon Riders. They could help defend Berk while we're out. Do you understand what you have to do, Gustav?"

"Yeah. Fine. Whatever."

"Good. Let's go. I'll drop you back off on Berk. I need to stretch my wings out."

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

"That's weird. El should be back by now... Where is she?" I muttered, pacing around the main hut.

"Hiccup, stop pacing. You're making Stormfly dizzy. And you're going to pave ditches on the floor." Astrid commented.

"You know, I was really surprised about how maturely Elyria took care of Gustav. And coming up with that test on the spot... I say that we could actually implement it from now on."

"We can talk more about that once El comes back," I said, taking a seat to stop myself from pacing.

"Hiccup, Astrid, we have a problem!!" Fishlegs ran inside, handing me a paper scroll.

On the scroll, was a message from Dagur. He had caught both Gustav and El and wanted to make a trade. The Dragon Eye, the location of all the islands that we've been to so far, as well as the information that we had on all the new dragons that he had encountered on our adventure in exchange for Elyria and Gustav.

"Hiccup, let us accompany you at least," Astrid said, stopping me from leaving alone with FangHook, Gustav's Monstrous Nightmare.

"No. Dagur told me to come alone, and I don't know what he'll do to El and Gustav if I don't follow his wishes to the letter. I'm not going to risk it."

"Be careful. If you die, then I'll kill you, then El would kill you before dying herself."

"Don't worry. I'll be careful."




When we arrived on Dagur's ship, Gustav seemed to be unharmed, and he was on deck. However, El was nowhere in sight.

"Looking for your girlfriend? She's below deck, being tortured and forced to spit out all the information that she has on you and your precious friends." Dagur commented, sneering.

"Now, hand over everything, and I'll let the girl- dragon- whatever and the kid go."

I begrudgingly took my bag filled with information and the Dragon Eye off, about to hand it to Dagur. And I would have, it Elyria didn't show up at that exact moment covered in blood and blue flames.

"Sorry about the mess downstairs, Dagur. I had to get some information out of your lackeys." She said, smirking evilly.

"The next time you touch a hair on my head or any of my friends, I'll torture you next." She growled, before knocking him out with a punch to the temple and taking him hostage.

"Hiccup, take Gustav and that bag and leave. I'll be right behind you."


"No buts."

I flew up into the air, along with Gustav on Fanghook. The other Dragon Hunters aimed their bows at us, to which El threatened to kill Dagur.

"Throw your weapons away, or else I slit his throat."

The Hunters did as they were told. El flew up into the air, just getting out of their range before dropping Dagur into the sea. He wouldn't die since his henchmen would get him back out before he drowned.

It was a day where I learned that Elyria could truly be terrifying and deadly. Unlike the rest of us, she didn't have any problems killing a person for her, or others' safety. Would the others call me crazy if they found out that her ruthless attribute just made her a lot more attractive? I wondered, the two of us heading back to Dragons' Edge while Gustav flew back to Berk.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Elyria's scary when she's angry. Or when she's hangry, I suppose. (LOL)

2.7 pages, 943 words

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