Start of the Adventure

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Hiccup Pov

It was almost noon, and I found myself walking to my house for the meeting with Elyria. Of course, the others were with me too. After we had come to a consensus last night, I found my thoughts constantly wandering back to Elyria. Especially her inhuman-looking hand and the magnificent pair of wings on her back. Were they real? If so, what was she?

"There she is," Astrid muttered to herself, looking at the stunning teen sitting on the hill.

Her silver-white hair was glowing softly in the sunlight, along with the leathery wings folded behind her back. What was surprising was that both of her hands were human.

"Her hand. It's human. Wasn't it a weapon yesterday?" Fishlegs commented.

"It is odd, but only she has the answer to that," I answered, approaching the female.

With our approach, Elyria stood up to greet us. When she walked up to us and stood in front of me, I realized that she was quite a lot shorter then I was. I was 6'1 (about 183 cm), and she only came up to my chin at most in height.

Then there were the horns sitting on top of her head. They were like antlers that you would see on a deer, only smaller and growing out towards the back. I could see her long, slim dragon tail swishing behind her cheerfully.

"So you guys are accepting?" She said, clasping her hands behind her back while looking at me in an adorable manner.

"Of course," I replied, trying not to blush.

I found my eyes focusing on her completely normal left hand instead. She took notice of my gaze but didn't say anything. Instead, she gave me a mysterious smile.

"Follow me."

~~~ Mini Time Skip ~~~

After hours of flying, we arrived at a place where there were dozens of sunken ships. Elyria gently flew onto one of the more dangerous looking ones, before motioning towards it.

"There will be something in there that will power the adventure that you so desire. Just be careful of the traps."

"But this is a Dragon Hunter ship." I retorted, but she only gave me her mysterious smile once again.

The ship was full of booby traps. Sure, Toothless and I had nearly died from our trip, but it was worth all the danger that we had gotten through. We had recovered something that would most likely be very useful for us. But how would we use it? I guess Elyria would tell us that soon enough, I thought, climbing out of the ship.

"Hey, Elyria- Dagur?!"

"Hey, Hiccup!! Did you miss me? 'Cause I sure missed you. I thought about you every day for three years, you know."

Dagur moved away from the cage that he had been standing in front of, revealing my friends. But I couldn't see Elyria. Maybe she got away? Calming Toothless down, I quietly searched for the completely white female.

It should be easy enough to spot a huge mass of white in this dark, but I can't find her. Where did she go?! I thought, trying to listen to Dagur's confusing speech and find the dragon girl at the same time.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got people to meet, an army to build, revenge to plot. Oh, so much to do and so little time! Isn't this exciting, Hiccup? You must've been very bored for the last three years!! But alas, my time here has come to an end. Farewell, for now, brother." Dagur said, signalling the end of his crazy speech.

As he left with the strange object, the sun started to peek over the horizon.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked.

"We're fine! Go get Dagur!!" Astrid replied, sending me away.

After getting approval from everybody, I hurriedly started to chase Dagur.

--- Third Pov ---

"Hey!! Where have you been?" Tuffnut yelled as he saw Elyria climbing back onto the ship.

"Yeah! You weren't exactly of much help, you know." Ruffnut chimed in.

"You'd rather have me get caught by dragon hunters? Then I won't be able to help you guys on your adventure or getting out of this dragon-proof cage."

"Oh. Right. Wait, what are you, even?" Snotlout asked incredulously.


A large rock crashed onto the ship, causing the ship to tilt and start sinking. Elyria took a deep breath, not losing her cool despite the tense situation. Drawing her lips together into a pout, she exhaled slowly. As she did so, a deep blue flame, almost invisible in the increasing daylight, started to melt the lock of the cage. Soon enough, the cage was open again, but the other dragons hadn't returned for their masters/friends.

"Guys, dragon calls!!" Hiccup, having returned, yelled at his friends.

"Why did it have to be eels?!" Elyria yelled, smacking away any eels that were too close for comfort.

Thankfully enough, the dragons appeared quite quickly. As soon as they did, everyone was airborne once again. Elyria was flying in the air beside them as well, her orange-red wings flapping in slow, big strokes. Hiccup noted the colour change, before handing out orders.

"You guys return to Berk. Elyria and I are going to go after Dagur. We'll fill you in on any plans that we end up with afterwards." He said, separating away from the group with Elyria.

"We're lucky. His ship's in the thick fog right now. Do you want to grab it, or should I?" Elyria asked, the two stopping a little ways behind the ship.

"I'll grab it. There's no need for you to be exposed to any more danger. Plus, this is like payback." Hiccup commented.

And in two smooth moves, the Dragon Eye was back in his hands. Elyria and Hiccup began their long journey back, starting to discuss about Elyria's dragon-like features.

And the only things that rang throughout the sea was Dagur's enraged, quite womanly scream.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

[System]: Hiccup and gang have acquired the Dragon Eye!!

3 pages, 1005 words

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