Marriage Ceremony (3)

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Hiccup Pov

After explaining everything to the horde of confused Vikings, El and I finally managed to get some private time together. Having heard the very short version of El's past, Stoick allowed the two of us to continue our relationship. Of course, El wouldn't have to marry Stein.

We were currently in my room, El looking around the room with sparkling eyes while I paced the floor, Toothless's eyes following my every move.

"What were you thinking, telling my dad that we slept together-"

"We did."

"We slept, but-"

"Do you want me to get married to Stein?"


"Then roll with it. Plus, you weren't going to sleep with an innocent girl then not take responsibility for her, were you?" El said dramatically, pretending to faint.

"Of course not!! I wouldn't do that to you!!"

"Then what's the problem? We love each other, and we're going to get married eventually. We'll sleep together eventually. So what's wrong with telling people a little earlier? Oh, and I want a son. Just so you know."

I felt a hot blush rising across my cheeks. I felt insanely happy at the thought of being able to have a family with Elyria. But I would also be lying if I said that I wasn't worried about the potential dangers that could bring to both of us and Toothless.

"The double-streaked purple paint on your cheek means that you're engaged, or that you've spent your first night with someone. In LycanWing society, spending your first night together is pretty much the same as getting married." El explained, laughing casually.

"Make sure to watch your surroundings today. Stein will have your head once he sees that you're wearing the paint." She warned.

"He's the guy that looks kind of like you, but with scales on his skin, and has gold-coloured eyes, right?"

"Correct. He also has wings, horns, tail, and wants to put your head on a pike. Probably."

A shiver went up to my spine as the image of a murderous, male version of El popped into my mind. It wasn't something that I wanted to encounter or deal with any time soon.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to the market and get some fresh air. I'll be back by evening, okay?" El said, planting a kiss on my lips before practically running out of the room.

"I love you!!" She hollered, the front door closing after her.

--- Third Pov ---

Hiccup stood in his room, a fierce blush covering his cheeks. Toothless laughed from the corner of the room, thoroughly enjoying Hiccup's reactions to Elyria.

"No, don't laugh, Toothless!! This isn't funny!!" Hiccup complained lightly, before leaving the house to meet up with the rest of his friends.

"Gobber!! Do you need any help with the shop?" He asked, calling out to the one-handed Viking.

"Hiccup!! It's nice to see you back on Berk!! And with those stripes on your cheeks, too. Are yeh ready for your marriage ceremony tomorrow?"

"Wait, my marriage ceremony?"

"Ye, with that pretty LycanWing girl. Elyria, right? Did you find a suitable wedding gift for her?"

"No, Gobber, there's clearly been a mistake here. El and I aren't getting married."

As Hiccup started to explain himself, someone slammed into him, tackling him to the ground. The silver-grey hair and pale gold-coloured eyes were all that Hiccup needed to recognize the perpetrator. Toothless growled at Steinheim angrily, warning him to back off.

"No, Toothless, it's okay, bud." Hiccup commented, calming Toothless down and preventing him from making any rash decisions.

"First, you take her away from me, then take her fight night, and now you say that you're not going to take responsibility for her?! What kind of man are you?!" Stein shouted hatefully, glaring daggers at the brunette below him.

"I never said that I wouldn't take responsibility for El. I'm saying that it's too early for us to get married."

"Oh, yeah? Did you tell that to Elyria? Did she agree with you? If she did, then why is she picking out her matrimonial gift to you?! Did she not tell you about how having a LaycanWing's first night is the same as getting married?"

"She did tell me that, but-"

"Now, now, laddies, let's all calm down and-" Gobber cut in, trying to stop the furious LycanWing male.

Stein pulled Hiccup up into the air by his lapels, veins popping out of his forehead from sheer rage. While Hiccup was stuck trying to straighten out the misunderstanding and stopping Toothless from trying to rip Stein's head off of his shoulders, a couple of the Dragon Riders casually watched the show unravel. They knew that Hiccup could take care of himself.

"Are you sure that he'll be all right? That LycanWing dude looks pretty pissed." Ruffnut commented, drooling over the undeniably handsome LycanWing male.

"Meh, it looks like Toothless and Gobber has everything in control." Snotlout replied, shrugging.

"Let's not tell Astrid or Elyria since they'll try to kill that handsome guy," Ruffnut said, confusing her twin and Snotlout.

"Astrid and Elyria? Kill Hiccup?" Snotlout asked, appalled by the mere idea.

"No, you idiot. Even a child can tell that the handsome one is that LycanWing dude." Tuffnut argued.

But even as the twins and Snotlout agreed to not tell Astrid or Elyria about the event that was happening in front of them, the two said females appeared from the other side of the fight.

"You saunter around town with the markings of a taken man on your face, but tell others that you're not going to take responsibility for your actions. I might as well kill you here and now, and free Elyria from a horrible marriage." Stein growled, before noticing Elyria's shocked face staring back at him.


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3 pages, 976 words

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