Snow Way Out (3)

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Third Pov

"Why the fuck are you so obsessed with me?! What do you not get about the fact that I don't want to marry or get down and dirty or have a relationship with you?!" Elyria screeched, pointing an angry finger at Stein, who held his hands up with an innocent look on his face.

"Sorry, but I'm not the one who set this up." He stated.

"That's right, missy. There's a band of very rich nobles wanting to get a piece of you at the other end of the world. They're paying us a handsome amount of money to capture you- and twice the amount of that when we hand you over." Ryker snickered, moving his body to show the new anti-dragon cage waiting for them behind him.

"What are you waiting for, lovebirds?" He continued, growling menacingly at them.

Elyria folded her arms defiantly and coolly, glaring right back at Ryker.

"You can either go in there yourself, or we can use a nice shot of dragon root arrows to knock you out. Your choice, Princess."

"If you're planning on selling us, I don't think that it's a good idea to harm us- Ow! Dude, really?"


Elyria keeled over, unconscious to the world as a dragon root-dipped arrow stuck out of her arm. Stein quickly grabbed her falling body before she could hit her head on the ice waiting below. Ryker glared at the soldier who had shot Elyrica without orders. No one knew the long-term effects of dragon root on a dragon, and Ryker certainly didn't want to get his pay docked for delivering damaged goods.

".....Lock them up." He ordered bitterly, grunting in annoyance.

Stein was ushered into the cage, carrying an unconscious El in tow. Knowing El and her protective friends (and overprotective boyfriend), they were probably also on the Island somewhere. He just had to find a way to signal them. Without getting them all caught.

I may deserve this for all the deaths of innocents that I've caused, but El doesn't. She deserves to live a happy life with people who care for her... Stein thought, finally having realized that he had been obsessing over the female, not actually loving her.

Pulling the arrow out of the female's arm gingerly, Stein made use of the first-aid kit in Elyria's bag to bandage her wounds. One option that they had was to let her wound bleed, leaving tracks of blood behind them. But it wasn't that good of an idea.

El would be forced to continue losing blood, and with the snowstorm that the Snow Wraiths were stirring, the blood would be hidden within the constantly-moving billows of snow. It could also attract the Snow Wraiths instead of the Dragon Riders, causing an even bigger problem.

Stein pulled the small female close, closing her winter coat tightly and placing the hood over her head. Get your skinny ass over here, Hiccup Haddock. If you fail, you won't be able to see Elyria again.

~~~ Meanwhile ~~~

Hiccup had somehow managed to find his way back to camp, where the others were waiting for him and Elyria anxiously. They knew of Elyria's directional problems, and the last thing they needed right now was to have a lost LycanWing on the loose on an island with angry Snow Wraiths and over a dozen Dragon Hunters.

"Thor, it's cold out there," Hiccup muttered, eyes widening when he didn't notice a certain white-haired female sitting by the fire.

"Guys, where's El?" He asked, his heart sinking and stomach clenching with fear.

"She went out with you, Hiccup. And she didn't come back yet- wait, did you two get separated?!" Astrid spoke, eyes widening when the possibility of Elyria being lost somewhere or possibly critically injured by Dragon Hunters flitted past her mind.

"Ho boy." Fishlegs whimpered.

"I knew it!! I knew this would happen!! What'd I tell you, Hiccup?! I suggested that you tie your wrists together like us- uh, where'd Ruff go?" Tuff started, pulling at the rope tied around his wrist to show... nothing.

"Did she seriously not fix her directional challenge thing yet? How can a Dragon have directional problems, anyway?" Snotlout complained.

"She's half-human, remember?" Fishlegs answered Snotlout's comment.

"Guys, shut up for a second," Hiccup commanded, his brows furrowed in concentration.

After a moment of thinking, he started to give out orders.

"Snotlout, stay here with HookFang in case El manages to get back or find you. Ruff, Tuff, take Barf and Blech. Fishlegs, you and Meatlug are with the twins. Astrid, you're with me."

"Got it!!" Various replies chorused.

"Now split up in your groups and scan the island from above. If El's lost and flying around somewhere, bring her back to this cave. And if she's been captured by Dragon Hunters, one of you tail them at a distance while the other get everyone else. Got it?"


Multiple dragons took flight into the cold, biting air of Glacier Island.

Please be safe, El...

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

I apologize for the slow and late update. Online school is pretty much an entire year's worth of material covered in the span of five weeks per course- so there are a lot of things to do. My school board has us switch between two courses every week, so I'm dealing with two coursework every day. I shall try to update when I can. Thank you for your patience.


2.8 pages, 910 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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