Snow Way Out (2)

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Third Pov

It had been a busy night and an even busier morning. The Dragon Riders were on their way to Glacier Island, where the Snow Wraith Dragon lived. According to the information that trader Yohann had given Astrid on her way to Berk, the Dragon Hunters were buying all the winter gear they could get and were looking for something rare.

The conclusion that they came to was that the Dragon Hunters were looking for a Snow Wraith tooth, which would be needed in order for them to use the Dragon Eye.

"Hey, can I ask a stupid question?" Tuff asked to no one in particular.

"You sure can, brother!! Better than anyone I know!!" Ruff replied.

"Thank you, sister."

"You're welcome!!"

"Hiccup, are we really trying to protect a dragon, that the last time we saw it, tried to kill us, from Dragon Hunters who try to kill us every time they see us?" Tuff questioned.

"And Heather and her dragon!! They try to kill us too, remember?" Ruff chimed in.

"Heather won't be a problem," Astrid said, bringing a new wave of confusion and surprise into the group.

"How is Heather not a problem?" FIshlegs retorted, confused.

Elyria furrowing her eyebrows slightly at Astrid's comment. It could've been Astrid just being confident about her skills, but Elyria's gut told her otherwise. There's something that Astrid knows but isn't telling us. ...Heather's probably acting as a spy from the inside. Jeez. When Hiccup finds out, it'll be all Hell on Earth. She thought, shaking her head slightly in disapproval.

"Just that... that we outnumber her, all right?" Astrid replied.

My sweet, dear Astrid... never become a conwoman in your next life. You're really bad at lying. Your dear Author thought silently to herself as she continued writing.

"Look, Heather or no Heather, all we have to do is find the Snow Wraith first and relocate it to a different island where the Hunters won't find him." Hiccup cut in.

"Oh, that's all?!" Ruff grumbled dramatically.

"Uh, that sounds like the sort of extremely dangerous plan that I would come up with all the time, Hiccup. And that's not a compliment." Tuff stated, the group rapidly approaching Glacier Island even with all of their bickering.

~~~ Mini Time Skip ~~~

As expected, Glacier Island was full of snow. As a matter of fact, there was a snowstorm right now. And it was freezing. While Toothless used his sonar radar to try to track the SnowWraith, the twins had other thoughts in mind.

"What are you guys doing?" Hiccup asked, looking at the twins.

"Body heat management, duh. Also known as the Thorston sandwich, served cold." Ruff replied, clinging even tighter to Snotlout.

"That's horrifying. Okay, let's-"

"Ooh, cool!! Hiccup, let's do body heat management too!!" Elyria suggested, jumping onto Hiccup's back like a child high on sugar.

"Huh? Wait, El-"

"You're so warm!! Wait, you're not sick, are you?"

"No, no. Snotlout, why don't you take the twins and set up camp? El, Astrid and I will go patrol the island and see if we can find our dragon." Hiccup ordered, waddling towards Toothless with El on his back.

Soon, the trio was up in the air. And unlike how El had been worried about the health and safety of the Dragon Riders at the Edge, she didn't say much now. The emergency bag full of medicinal herbs sat safely on her back as she effortlessly flew through the stormy skies, enjoying the cool, crisp winter air.

"Ugh. I'd take winter over summer any day." She muttered to herself.

"What about you, Hic- oh. I'm lost." El realized, her famous directional incompetency coming to light once again.

El stayed in her spot for a few seconds and decided to scan the island below instead. And just like that, a small campfire caught her interests. Maybe I circled all the way around, she thought, landing by the fire.



As Elyria approached the campfire, she saw a cave a little ways away. Someone was waving to her by the entrance. As she walked closer to the said cave, she recognized the male standing by the entrance.

"Stein? What are you doing here?"

"I, uh... was going to visit you guys, and apologize for my behaviour a little while ago on Berk. Hiccup's dad gave me a real talk-down, you see, and I regret it a lot. And on my way to the Edge, I got chased by the Dragon Hunters onto this island. So... here we are."

"The last time I checked, you're not so dumb to leave an open fire out in the middle of nowhere. What's the fire about?"

"To draw you in."

"Wait, what?"

A group of Dragon Hunters surrounded Elyria and Stein, various capturing tools such as dragon root arrows, ropes, and nets in their hands. Elyria let out a sigh, realizing that she'd been caught in a trap.

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2.5 pages, 829 words

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