Marriage Ceremony (4)

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Derik Fein - Don't Matter (Audio)

Song of the chap!!

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Third Pov

"What in Satan are you two talking about?" El asked, looking completely confused.

"Hiccup's refusing to get married to you!!" Stein shouted, still holding Hiccup against the ground.

"Well, it is a little early to get married. Plus, a brawl broke out during the rehearsal dinner. There's not going to be a wedding ceremony." El explained, laughing lightly.

"Now, let Hiccup go, and we'll talk. You seem... better than the last time we met." She continued, tilting her head.

Stein begrudgingly let Hiccup go, Elyria helping the brunette stand back up onto his feet. Toothless quickly leaped to his place behind Hiccup and Elyria, glaring at Stein. Hiccup let out an annoyed huff himself, glancing at the still angry Lycanwing male before focusing on Elyria.

She was dusting the dirt off of him, checking for any wounds that he might've sustained.

"Now that neither of you is hurt, I'd like to clear up a few things." She started, looking straight into Stein's eyes as she spoke.

"I love Hiccup, and he loves me. He's mine. So you don't get to touch him or hurt him, got it?"

Stein folded his arms to his chest, obviously disapproving of Hiccup. At least he wasn't happy-go-lucky crazy. For now, anyway.

"LycanWing Royals aren't allowed to marry humans, remember? It's too dangerous!! There's a reason why Royals can only marry Royals!!" Stein argued.

Elyria flinched. But she fought back nonetheless, the group of Dragon Riders becoming forgotten behind them.

"If I was some goody-two-shoes that found duty to be more important than love, then I would've married you. But that's not the case anymore. You brought this onto yourself, and I want to live the way I want to. That day, when I almost died because of your selfishness, I promised that I would live the rest of my ridiculously long life according to my every whim."

"So you're going to marry him just because you want to?"

"YES!! Is that so hard to understand?!"

Elyria grabbed Hiccup and shoved him into Stein's face. Hiccup gave Stein an awkward smile as Elyria continued to shout. A large crowd was starting to develop around them, many Vikings wondering about the reason for the very loud argument.


Elyria aggressively pulled Hiccup away from Stein, her blood-red eyes boring fierce determination into his skull.

"And if you ever so much as touch a hair on his or any of my friends' heads again, I'll take that pretty head of yours and hang it over my bedroom door, you understand?" She seethed.

"So... you're not going to get married to him?" Stein tentatively asked.

"Oh, my blood pressure...." Elyria muttered, holding the back of her neck with a ticked-off expression on her face.

"Hiccup will take responsibility for Elyria. They may not be getting married tomorrow, but they will get married one day. Now, why don't you and I have a long conversation, Steinheim Deadflight?" Stoick butted in, whisking the LycanWing male away to the dining hall.

"You're not actually going to hang his head on your bedroom door if he touches any of us, right?" Tuffnut asked, seeming intrigued by the threat.

"Why? It shouldn't bother you." Elyria asked, taking deep breaths to calm herself.

"I find it cool, but Hiccup probably won't like it. He's never been too good with heads." Tuffnut answered.

"I think that it's romantic, him chasing after you like that even after you tried to burn him alive." Ruffnut chimed in.

Elyria felt her blood pressure skyrocket again. Maybe one of these days, she would die from an aneurysm instead of a heart attack.

Meanwhile, Hiccup was surrounded by villagers, who had heard the entire argument from their homes or had watched the entire event happen. They congratulated Hiccup with his union and asked for the wedding date. Being swathed in a mass of questions, he babbled incoherently, trying to get the massive blush off of his face.

Hiccup felt as though heart had leaped into his throat when she had confessed her love for him in front of the entire village. He was embarrassed. Embarrassed, but insanely happy.

Wolf whistles and hoots of joy went up into the air as he walked over to Elyria, pulled the small female into his arms, and plants a hot kiss onto her lips.

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From then on, it became a tradition for young couples to yell their love confessions to each other. The louder you yell, the more(?) you love your significant other.

2.6 pages, 819 words

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