The Past (1)

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Note: the pic is Elyria's mom.

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Third Pov

That evening, the group sat around the first, eating dinner heartily. Information about Heather's betrayal, along with the news of Ryker and Steinheim had already spread within the members. Now, they had one last elephant to tackle- how Elyria was linked to Steinheim.

"El, you don't have to tell us if it's painful. I don't know much, but it's probably traumatizing..." Hiccup started, trailing off when he saw the intense violence dancing within her blood-red eyes.

"It's not traumatizing. It's not sad, either. You guys may perceive it that way, but one way or another, it was something that would've happened eventually. By telling you guys my past, I want you all to know that I don't want to be pitied. Stein is the only thing left from my past, and the only thing that's left that needs to be destroyed."

They all nodded, silently letting her continue.




In a relatively large island, hidden by an astonishingly massive cloud of fog and protected by treacherous waters filled with deadly dragons and nasty reefs, was a prospering Tribe of Dragons.

They were half-dragon, half-human outcasts looking for a place called home- the LycanWings.

Because of their unique talents, beautiful looks, and the ability to fly, they were prized targets amongst Dragon Hunters. Thankfully, the location of their "Nest" wasn't known to anyone. Not even the LycanWings themselves. Only four people knew of the true location of LycanWing Island- the Royals.

The LycanWing family was made up of Five Tribe Leaders and their families. And each Tribe had a distinct, unique ability, passed down by blood.

The Tribe of Fire could set themselves on fire, like Monsterous Nightmare Dragons.

The Tribe of Wind were the fastest fliers, seconded only by the Night Fury.

The Tribe of Earth were able to change their scale colour, appearing to be invisible like the Changewing Dragons.

The Tribe of Water could see the future- to a certain extent, of course.

The Tribe of the Moon could change to their Dragon form whenever they wished, along with enhanced healing.

It was a peaceful, happy island, filled with people living their lives in comfort. But the darkness started to lurk over the island when the third generation of hybrid LycanWings was born.

Out of the many that had been born, only a few survived.

The survivors were put together in a group and were trained separately. Elyria's father was a Moon and Earth hybrid, and her mother was a Fire LycanWing. She was able to change the colour of her scales (subconsciously only), turn parts of her body into her Dragon form when she wanted to, and set herself on fire. Enhanced healing abilities and an increased chance of going crazy were a bonus.

And she found her life to be boring.

"Princess, you're turning the wrong way. One day, you might meet a DeathSong, and need to protect yourself or others from it. When that time comes, you don't want to risk everyone's safety by getting the moves wrong." Her teacher criticized.

"Sorry, teach." She replied, her blood-red eyes filled with indifference.

"I get that being left-handed may cause you some troubles since it makes you instinctively go the opposite way, but that's no reason for you to keep getting the moves wrong. Come on, try again."

LycanWings themselves were dragons. Tiny, fist-sized, parasitic dragons that only strive to find and live within a host. It was quite rare to find one living in Nature without a host. Depending on where or when you were infected with the dragon, you would belong in different Tribes.

Usual symptoms included itchy spine, aggressiveness, unquenchable thirst, dizziness, and an overwhelming urge to eat fresh fish. Living with a LycanWing dragon within you meant having a tail, horns, and a pair of wings.

But for the Moon Tribe LycanWings, it was a little different. Compared to the other LycanWings, they were closer to dragons then they were of humans. They were a lot more aggressive, possessive and had the highest chance to become a bloodthirsty, unhinged Dragon. According to them, there was a little voice in their head that uttered terrifying things.

And the closer you were related to a Moon Tribe LycanWing, the louder the voice became.

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Both Elyria and Steinheim are third-generation hybrid LycanWings. Can you guess which Tribes their parents and grandparents are in?

2.4 pages, 758 words

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