Snow Wraith Tooth

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Hiccup Pov

When we arrived at Berk, Astrid and the others, as well as my dad, was waiting for us. But for some reason, Astrid and Snotlout glared daggers at me when I got off of Toothless, along with El. I carefully got her off of Toothless, carrying her surprisingly light body in my arms.

"Dad, can she use our spare bedroom?" I asked.

"She can, but we have a lot of things to talk about, son."

The talk mostly consisted of who Elyria was, and the reason why she had dragon wings, tail, and horns. Since El had fallen asleep on the way here, it was on me to explain everything. The explanation was mostly directed at my dad, but everyone else got to listen in on it too. All in all, I was very glad that I had asked her about herself on the way here.

"So... you're telling us that the pretty girl in your guest room right now, snoring away, is the legendary Lycanwing? Are you sure, Hiccup? And what's with the pink atmosphere between you two?" Snoutlout pointed out, receiving a hearty elbow blow from Astrid.

"Aren't you in love with Astrid?" Ruffnut asked.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys that it was the one kiss on the cheek? That's it!! Nothing else!! Hiccup's a good friend and nothing else!! And that was years ago!!" Astrid complained.

"Wait. If Hiccup's not in love with Astrid, that means..." Snotlout glanced at Astrid with a lewd look, receiving another punch as a result.

"Well, that was all I needed to ask. Whatever trouble the new girl causes is on your shoulders, son. I trust that you'll take good care of her." With that, my dad left the house to take care of business happening around Berk.

"Well, that's that. What next, Hiccup?"

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

Elyria Pov

I woke up with a gasp, only to find myself in an unfamiliar room filled with a familiar scent. Well, scents, actually. One was Hiccup, and another was Toothless. I guess that this is their guest room. He doesn't seem to be nearby... hopefully, they didn't leave to find a Snow Wraith tooth already. I thought, pulling out a Snow Wraith tooth from my pocket. Putting the tooth back in my pocket and getting out of bed, I decided to explore Berk a little bit more.

When I got out of the house, I could see a really long line of people. It led to the top of a pretty high tower, along with scattered screams of terrified Vikings.

With a flap of my wings, I was at the top of the tower in an instant. There, I saw a huge, burly man with a rock for a tooth. He also had a steel hook and a wooden leg. Someone's been busy feeding dragons, I thought.

"Oh, you must be the new girl. Lycanwing, right? Elyria. My name is Gobber. Nice to meet 'cha."

"Nice to meet you, Gobber. Are you the healer here? Can I watch?" I asked, excited to learn something new.

I had picked up a few healing skills here and there while I lived out in the islands alone, but that definitely wouldn't be enough if a situation called for it.

"Ah, sure. I have no idea what I'm doing, actually, so it'd be great if you helped me a bit, you know?"

"Oh, so you're temporarily replacing someone. I see. I'll do my best to help. But before we do so, has Hiccup and the others left to get a Snow Wraith tooth by any chance?"

"Yeah, they did. I'm surprised that he didn't take you with him."

I let out a sigh. He should've woken me up!! I already had one at the ready!! Well, at least they'll learn how to deal with a Snow Wraith and I get to learn how the medicine around here works. I thought, starting to skim through some of the notebooks lying around. Meanwhile, Gobber got ready to receive his first patient.

"Ahem. Okay, first sick, nasty Viking, Dr.Gobber is in the house."

A Viking male with bushy, thick brown hair limped in, using his double axe as support.

"Magnus, what seems to be the problem?"

"The problem?! My leg is caught in an old Dragon trap, Gobber!!"

Magnus yelled back, gesturing angrily to the trap stuck in his leg. I rose from my seat, and quickly pulled the trap away from his leg. It wasn't bleeding too badly, but it was definitely broken. Using a sharp knife, I cut away a part of his pants to get a better look at his wound.

"And what is this?!"

"She's the new girl that Hiccup brought in. She's our first Lycanwing."

"Lycanwing?! But they're old wives' tales!!"

While the two Vikings bickered, I washed out his wound with clean water, and bandaged it with a clean cloth, before setting the broken bone with two sticks and some more cloth. I handed him a crutch made of wood.

"Your leg's broken, so be careful with it, and don't remove the brace. Come back every other week to get it checked for infections and progress."

"Thank you....?"

"Oh, my name is Elyria."

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

From then on, Gobber was banned from becoming a stand-in healer.

2.5 pages, 892 words

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