Night of the Hunters (2)

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Press the arrow beside the music video to see pic of Steinheim!!

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Brief Ryker Pov

As the blonde teenager fell from the sky, with the Night Fury in hot pursuit, a mass of white saved her just in time. It had dragon wings and a tail, which meant that it was a dragon, but I had never seen such a human-sized dragon before. Until the dragon started talking, of course.

"I'm fine!! Here, take Astrid."

The human-sized dragon, who turned out to be a very rare LycanWing, caught the falling Viking girl and flew back up into the air. Oh, no you don't. I thought, ordering the men to fire their dragon root arrows. The rain of arrows covered the skies, just in time for the two dragons to be caught off-guard.

"Elyria!! Astrid!!" The owner of the Night Fury yelled, just as the mass of white fell into the ocean with two arrows lodged into its back.

"Pull them up," I ordered, the men pulling the chain leading to the LycanWing and the blonde Viking.

Thanks to the Riders' perfectly see-through plans, I now had a LycanWing, a Zippleback, and a Gronkle in addition to a Deadly Nadder. I also wanted the Night Fury, but I'd have to be satisfied with the LycanWing for now.

"Lock her up and keep her sedated. Send a message to Steinheim- tell him that we caught a LycanWing. As for the other one, lock her up with the other Dragon Riders."

--- Astrid Pov ---

Elyria was dragged to the cell opposite of us, where she would be kept until some guy named Steinheim got onboard. The Twins, along with Fishlegs and I called out to Elyria, trying to wake her up.

"Elyria!! Are you okay?" Tuffnut asked.

"Of course she's not okay!! She got hit by two dragon root arrows!! She's still part dragon, you know!!" Fishlegs countered.

"Elyria's tough. She'll be okay. I'm more worried about what they want to do to her and our dragons." I said, looking at Elyria's unconscious form in her cell.

"You'll soon find out," Heather stated, along with a group of other Dragon hunters.

At first, we had been shocked that Heather was with Dagur. But as it turned out, Heather was Dagur's sister. She had betrayed us- we treated her as a friend, but she had been an enemy all along.

"Bring the LycanWing too. Stein's going to be quite pleased that we got him the only other LycanWing in the Archipelago." Heather said.

Both Ryker and Heather's mentioned this Steinheim guy. Who is he? What does he want with Elyria? What does Heather mean by "only other LycanWing"? Does that mean that there are other LycanWings than Elyria? I wondered, my thoughts merging into a mass of confusion.

When we entered the Captain's room on the boat, there was a stunning young man sitting at the table. He was obviously the boss, and he was about two or three years older then we were. He had long, silver-white hair, and pale gold eyes. His horns were similar to Elyria's in shape, but they grew upwards unlike her horns, which grew towards the back. He had some grey scales covering his neck and his shoulder blades. He had wings and a tail, just like Elyria; which meant that he was a LycanWing, too.

Something that was different about him and her would be that his left hand was like a dragon and that he gave off the same type of dangerous aura like Ryker- only worse.

"Elyria!! You're alive!!" He cried, pulling the small female into his arms.


Elyria puked all over him, looking considerably better after she did so. Everyone else flinched, looking grossed-out. But Stein himself didn't seem to care. There was honey practically oozing out of his eyes as he looked at Elyria with the sweetest gaze I had ever seen (other than Hiccup's, of course).

"Ryker, get me a new shirt. And set course for LycanWing Island. It's time that I finally get my rightful wedding."

"What do you mean, wedding?! Elyria has a boyfriend!!" I cut in.

Just before we left, I had seen Hiccup and Elyria kissing. They were obviously together now if they haven't been for a while behind our backs already. And now this good-looking weirdo's going to get married to her?! Without her permission or consent? Not on my watch!!

"I know. I've been watching you guys for a while. Hiccup, was it? The owner of the Night Fury? But it doesn't matter. We were supposed to marry years ago. Obviously, our engagement comes first." Stein retorted, an arrogant smirk on his features.

Elyria's engaged?! Then what's going to happen with her and Hiccup's relationship? We all stared at Elyria, unable to do anything but watch the drama unfold.


Then, all of a sudden, the resounding sound of a harsh slap echoed in the room, Stein's face whipping to one side as Elyria mercilessly backhanded his cheek.

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You all must be wondering who this Stein guy is. Well, let's just say that he has a long, long past with Elyria, and that he's quite obsessed with her.

2.7 pages, 895 words

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