DeathSong (1)

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Hiccup Pov

"So, Gobber, how was it being Gothi?" I asked.

"Well, I didn't get to do much after yer' girlfriend Elyria kicked me out for not knowing anything-"

"Wait. Elyria's Hiccup's girlfriend? Since when!?" Snoutlout retorted.

"She's not. But Gobber, if El kicked you out, who was healing Vikings all day?" I questioned.

"Elyria. She seemed to know what she was doing, so I let her be." Gobber shrugged.


Elyria's voice caught my attention, her angry face immediately telling me that I had done something wrong.

"Oh look, there she is now."

"Why'd you leave without telling me?! I already had a Snow Wraith tooth!! You guys didn't have to go and deal with another one for it."

Everyone turned to me, their looks turning murderous. They weren't happy, obviously. I chuckled nervously, stepping away from the group. But out of everyone, El was mad at me the most. Her wings had turned into a dark red colour, which probably meant that she was pissed.

"You could've died!! You promised me that you wouldn't leave me alone again!!"

She was hovering a foot off of the ground, allowing her to look at me straight in the eyes. Her blood-red orbs were filled with worry, anger, and general disappointment. It was a look that I hadn't seen for over three years. And the last person who had given me that exact same look had been my dad.

"Wait- El-"

"Come on, Toothless. Let's go catch some fresh fish."


"Not you too, Toothless!!"

I yelled, the two figures disappearing behind the hills and trees. They were heading for the beach, and it would be relatively easy to find them. The problem was, what would I say once I found her?

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

The fight between El and I was yet to be resolved. She had been in her room (which happened to be next to mine). With some luck, I had been able to find out how the Dragon Eye worked. After showing my findings to everyone, it would be time to take my new findings and request a Council meeting.

"Hiccup, these are new maps and dragons that we've never even seen before. The only problem is, we can't read whatever language it's in." Fishlegs commented, looking at the letters being illuminated on my bedroom walls.

"That's why I'm here. As the healer and one of the leaders of the group. I know how to read the language, and I can help you guys find the new dragons that the Dragon Eye can lead you to. All you need to do is to get ready for the long journey ahead." El said, giving everyone a confident smile.




We had been flying for most of the day. And the farther we went into the Great Beyond, the weather got increasingly worse. Despite my suggestion for El to sit with me just until the storm cleared, she refused to speak to me. But it was as though Odin was giving us luck. Within minutes, we were out of the storm. And directly in front of us, was a fair-sized island made of rocks.

"Wait. Guys, did you hear that?"

"Yeah. What's that sound?"

As I registered the sounds coming from the island down below, I realized where I had heard El's laugh. It's quite similar to this sound, whatever it is. Her laugh was definitely similar to the sound, which meant that the Lycanwings could possibly be related to this particular dragon.

"There's our first new dragon," El said, for the first time in hours.

The island was beautiful. The dragons, along with El, was enjoying a soak in the pond created from the waterfall. After a day of fun and relaxation, we made camp and settled in for the night. I quietly sat by the crashing waves of the beach, staring out into the... full moon?!


I looked back to where the female was sleeping. Instead of the teenage girl I had expected to see, there was a large dragon there instead.

Her entire body was covered in golden yellow-white scales, a mane of soft white hair covering the back of her neck. I could see that her hands and feet had five fingers and five toes each, which related to how she was human. After a while, I must've been staring at her for some time because now she was awake and staring back.

"El, I'm sorry for going back on my promise earlier. I didn't mean to leave you alone. You seemed really tired, so I wanted to let you rest. I wouldn't have gone with the others if I knew that you already had a Snow Wraith tooth." I apologized, sitting beside her.

She nuzzled her huge head into me, like Toothless would when he was asking to be pet. A quiet, melodious sound emanated from her, which I assumed to be her approving of my apology. Despite being a dragon, she still smelled of Arctic Thyme. I really liked the scent. It was strong, but not overpowering. It was pleasant. She was about as big as Hookfang in her dragon form, which meant that she was roughly twice in size compared to Toothless; not including her tail.

"And you were right. You said that you would help us go on this journey, and here we are." I said, lying down between her and Toothless.

She looked at me with an I-told-you-so look, before wrapping her tail around me and Toothless like a fence. At the end of her tail was a large tuft of fur, big enough to cover two people with. Or a regular-sized Viking, actually. She covered my body with the end of her tail, almost as though she was tucking me into bed.

"Goodnight, El."

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Food for thought: What happens to her clothes before and after her transformation?

2.8 pages, 989 words

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