What are you?

293 8 0

Hiccup Pov

"Elyria, it's going to be a long flight back. Would you like to, uh, ride with me?" I asked, trying to hide the blush creeping up onto my cheeks.

"I would love to, but would Toothless be okay?" She asked, her blood-red eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Elyria wants to ride with us. Would that be all right, Bud?" I asked, patting Toothless on the neck.

He didn't say anything, which I took as a yes. Elyria gently landed on Toothless's back, sitting down behind me. Then she folded her large wings behind her so that it wouldn't affect Toothless's flying too much.

"Here. Hold me so that you don't fall if something happens." I suggested, raising my arms up.

"Um... okay."

Her slim arms wrapped around my waist, and I could feel her gentle breaths on the back of my neck. She smelled like Arctic Thyme, which brought a smile to my lips.

"Can I ask you a few questions about your dragon...?" I started, motioning to her wings.

"Oh, sure. And yes, these are dragon wings and tail."

"How'd it happen?"

"You've heard of the legend of the Lycanwings, right?"

"The Lycanwing? Yeah, of course. .....Wait. Don't tell me-"

"I am a Lycanwing. One of the only two remaining ones out there. And you know, the legend is actually quite accurate. Every full moon, I turn into a dragon. And for a day or two before that, I get symptoms and urges, such as wanting to eat fresh fish." She explained, resting her head on my shoulder.

"What is it like, living as a half-human, half-dragon?"

"To be honest with you, it's lonely. At first, a whole bunch of us lived on a remote island. But everyone started to die out, due to disease or Dragon Hunters. So I decided to travel around and live freely. In the beginning, it was nice to be alone, doing whatever I wanted. But I couldn't have any kind of social contact with anyone due to my... differences. They would give me one look, and run away screaming. So since then, I've lived alone. Until I heard of a band of Young Dragon riders looking for new dragons, that is."

Run away screaming? But she was so beautiful. And to have been forced to live alone for Loki knows how long... I felt a wave of sadness wash over me.

"Now that you've joined us, you won't ever be alone again. I won't let you. I promise."

"Good." Elyria laughed merrily, dusting away the gloom hanging over our heads.

"A little while ago, I noticed that your wings were red. Can your wings change colour?" I asked, thinking back to when her wings were a bright orange-red instead of the usual golden yellow-white.

"All Lycanwings can change their body colours. Some can have multiple colours on their body at once, and some can only have one colour on their body at once. In my case, it's the latter. My scales tend to change colour when I'm feeling a certain emotion like panic, fear, happiness, or sadness. I was panicking back when the ship was starting to sink, so my scales turned orange-red."

"That's so cool," I said, only to get slapped by Toothless's ear.

"Hey!! What was that for?!" I yelled.

".....Is he being jealous? That's adorable."

Elyria laughed that tinkling, melodious laugh again. I've heard it somewhere before. I'm sure of it!! I thought, trying to remember where I could've heard it before.

"Elyria, would it be okay if I called you El?" I asked tentatively, not wanting to ruin the nice atmosphere between us.

"Sure." She replied.

"Oh look. And we're almost there. Since you're our guest, you can stay in our guest bedroom at my house. That way, villagers won't bother you as much."

We could see Berk just on the horizon, and I was excited to get some rest once we arrived. As Berk started to grow in size, a gentle weight fell on my shoulder blade and El's slender tail wrapped itself around my waist.

"El? Is something wrong?"

No answer.

Craning my neck around, I somehow managed to check on her condition. She's just asleep. Guess I'll let her rest. I thought, noticing that her scales had turned into a pale blue-grey colour. So her scales turn red when she's panicked, golden yellow-white when she's awake, and pale blue-grey when she's sleeping, huh? I should write it down somewhere when I get back. I thought. It was really cool that her scales changed colour depending on her condition, state, or emotion.

But so far, I loved her iridescent, rich blood-red eyes and snow-white hair- and how she smiled.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

This chap was to give my dear readers some info about my OC, as well as the dragon known as a Lycanwing. But this is only the tip of the iceberg, and we've got a lot more episodes to cover. Stay tuned for more! 

2.5 pages, 863 words

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