Ch.1-The verdict

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Angie's p.o.v

I sat in the middle of the court room awaiting Archie's verdict. Veronica sat somewhere in the back, her and Archie had called it quits not too long ago. Between him more than likely going to jail and what happened with me the other day they decided they should quit before it got messy and there were hard feelings. I couldn't say I was terribly upset, I never liked Veronica anyhow.

The judge had just called a break for the jury to make their decision so I quickly made my way to the bathroom. My bladder couldn't hold jack anymore, I can't imagine when I get further along. Nobody knew besides Sara and Toni, and I planned on keeping it that way at least for a little while.

I was making my way back towards the court room when I ran into the man in question himself. I gave him a tight hug which he returned just as fervently.

"How you holding up Red?" He didn't respond just hugged me tighter. A sharp pain shot through my stomach at that point and I winced.

"Kiki? Are you okay? I didn't mean to squeeze you too hard." Archie looked at me with concern and I began to wave him off as the pain subsided, but just as I stood up straight to do so another pain even worse than the first went off.

I nearly collapsed when Archie quickly lifted me up. He had a look of panic on his face and I knew I needed to do something. I wasn't an expert on pregnancies but I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to feel like this.

"Archie, I need you to get Toni or Sara whoever's closer."

"I'm not leaving you like this! What's going on?"

"I'll explain when you get back, but Archie I need you to calm down and do what I asked please. I'll find someone to help me..."

"What's going on here?" No not you.

"Sweet pea! Can you hold onto Angie for a minute?"

"Hold onto her? Hold onto you? What's going on? Are you okay?" The concern in his voice made my heart flutter in a way I wish it wouldn't have. Before I could object Archie had passed me off and went to find one of the girls.

Just as I began to pull away another pain came. Hunched over is better. Okay, I can work with that. I bent over to relieve the pain and Sweet pea followed my movements. It's okay baby, we're gonna be okay. We'll get you to a doctor, and everything will be alright just hold on.

In that moment I realized that this was my baby. I started crying at the epiphany. I was having a baby. There was a life growing inside me. Oh my gosh!

"Angie! What's going on!? Why are you crying!?" Sweet pea was freaking out, but I couldn't calm myself down. I started shushing my tummy when another pain shot through me and I'm sure later I'd be glad Sweet pea didn't notice.

"She's probably just being over dramatic Sweets. Come on, let's go." Josie's nasally voice broke through my hysteria and a wave of nausea hit me. Probably at her voice, it's always disgusted me.

Just as I was getting ready to upchuck Archie came running in with both girls in tow. They quickly took me from Sweet pea's arms which he tried to object to, but Sara turned on him.

"Look, I get that it isn't your fault you can't remember, but I think you've done enough. So either care for her, or act like you don't know her. But for her sake and their healths sake, don't drag her along." Sweet pea just gaped at her as his arm fell back to his side.

"Don't talk to him like! Sweet pea, is it true you were with her over the summer?" Ugh Josie please don't.

"Yeah... no... I don't know! I can't remember anything, but I...I think yeah, maybe." Josie looked betrayed, and if I was sure I wouldn't puke I would've laughed. "I just want to make sure she's okay."

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