Ch.6-The guardian

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Angie's p.o.v

I heard muffled voices around me as I started to regain consciousness. My head felt like a ton of bricks were weighing it down, but at the same time I felt lightheaded. I groaned which grabbed the attention of whoever else was in the room with me.

"Hey babygirl, how are you feeling?" I opened my eyes to see a very concerned Sweet pea hovering over me. I began to sit up, but he immediately pushed me back down. "Hey, hey, hey, take it easy. We're not in a rush."

"My Angel... is she okay? What happened to her?" Sweet pea just shushed me gently and moved the hair from my face stroking it back.

"The doctors are still running tests, but they said they'd tell us as soon as they knew something. Right now, I need you to focus on getting better and that starts with resting."

"I feel fine Sweet pea, I need to figure out how this happened and who's behind it." I successfully sat up this time, pushing his hands away from me when he tried to object.

"Angie, please. It's not just you anymore, ok, you have somebody else that you need to think about. Do you mind telling me why exactly you passed out?"

"I passed out? I didn't realize... that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that we find out who did this to my Angel." I swung my legs over the side of the bed, but stopped when I felt dizzy.

"Why are you so adamant that someone did this? Please sit back down, you're worrying me."

"Right before it happened I got a call. The person had their voice modulated so I couldn't tell who it was, but they said they were the one who hired Adam. They said they were after my 'throne', which I can only assume means the Arch Angel title, but they said it was about more than that. Sweet pea, I don't know what's going on, but what I do know is that I need to figure it out and deal with it before I have a baby to take care of as well."

"Why didn't you tell me what was going on? I could've helped."

"That was the first call I'd received. I mean I've been looking into it some since I'm still pissed they took your memories but it hasn't been my main focus." Sweet pea gazed into my eyes with a worried look before squeezing his eyes shut and placing a hand on my cheek.

"I-I don't even really know you, but I do know that I can't lose you. I'm trying everyday to remember and some days go better than others, but what I do remember is that you mean more to me than anything and now you have a baby growing inside you that will mean just the same to me. I can't lose either of you and I don't know why, but I know that it's true."

I looked at Sweet pea for a moment just taking in his vulnerable state. He was being so honest and open with me through all of this. I turned my head to kiss his palm then held his hand to my face.

"I promise you I'll be careful, and this baby means too much to me for me to do anything that would place them in harms way. I need you to know that." He nodded his head so I continued. "But I also have a duty to these girls, my Angels, and right now somebody is threatening them. I'm going to begin my search for a Cherubim which will help because she will be devoted to protecting me, but I have to do this Pea. It's apart of who I am."

"Let me help. I'll be there for you, to protect you. I can move up there and be your, um, interim Cherubim while you look for a new one." I laughed at him.

"You're gonna join an all girls gang? Let me know how that goes for you." He gave me a humorless laugh before shaking his head.

"I didn't mean I'd join the gang, I mean that I'm gonna be there for you and the baby until somebody else is. It'll be a whole new position. I'll be your... I'll be the... Oh! I got it, I'll be the Guardian." He smiled widely at me and grabbed my hand in his. "Please let me do this."

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